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  1. ezcap
  2. PHD2 Guiding
  3. Can you use an older version of Photoshop without paying yearly subscriptions?
  4. MaximDL v7 beta is out now - anyone tried it?
  5. Observing planner for Mac
  6. Free drawing website for setting circles etc.
  7. TPoint Pointing Samlpes
  8. Saving Large PI Files as Small JPGs
  9. Updating Firmware Synscan V4/V5 Handcontroller
  10. Adobe Photoshop now spyware:
  11. Alan Dyer =Amazing sky.Image Noise reduction software
  12. Ha and Osc combined in Gimp
  13. AMD linux gpu acceleration (finally!)
  14. N.I.N.A and Hocus Focus
  15. Lexar 32 Gig Finger Print USB Drive
  16. GraXpert 3.0.2 (is free) out and with upgraded noise reduction
  17. outlook.com at snails pace sometimes
  18. Locking a USB
  19. Photoshop CS2
  20. Stellarium vs other apps on phone
  21. Stellarium, CDC and a Paramount MX
  22. How do you keep track of what you've photographed?
  23. NINA help needed please
  24. Computer Geek Help
  25. Is Win 11 generally ok
  26. Latest version of Pixinsight not installing
  27. Registax issues V6.1.0.8
  28. Raspberry Pi5 with 64-bit OS setup
  29. Issue with Autostakker
  30. Boot Sector Virus? Windows PC.
  31. Upgrading to Windows 11 advice
  32. Cable
  33. SIRIL question
  34. Collimation Circles, app for easy telescope collimation
  35. WIFI Card inquiry please
  36. Issues with laptop loosing Stellarium software.
  37. Which Linux distribution for old laptop
  38. Settinf up a NAS using Raspberry Pi 4 and OMV
  39. New PHD2 Development Snapshot
  40. AutoStakkert 4 (BETA) is released
  41. same suspicious connection being blocked
  42. Wifi connection advice please
  43. Stacking two sets of dark frames?
  44. NINA: Is there a FB or forum?
  45. PHD2 2.6.11 Dev6 Calibration Assistant
  46. GraXpert - free and open source background extractor
  47. Active Extension USB Cable question
  48. INDI driver editing
  49. Upgraded processing tools
  50. USB Type B pins adjustment?
  51. Data Storage and backup solutions... advice welcome
  52. Telescopius - two questions
  53. APT and Automated Merdian flip vs TSX and Dome control around Meridan flip
  54. The SkyX Platesolve - how to change contrast on the image?
  55. green splotches on drizzled image, PixInsight
  56. Password managers
  57. Pixinsight question
  58. APT - not able to trigger Autofocusing until I disconnect scope
  59. How do I determine the coordinates of an object in an image I have taken
  60. Capture or not to capture?
  61. PHD2 guiding, is this good enough?
  62. Looking to upgrade my Laptop
  63. Windows 11 & FLI drivers
  64. Is there anything better than Clear Outside?
  65. Developer to rewrite ASA Autoslew and Sequence?
  66. NINA versus CCDAp
  67. A fix for PEMpro not updating since version 3.00.48
  68. Cropped images sent as a attachment in email
  69. AstroPlanner software
  70. FireCapture 2.7
  71. What files to keep after processing?
  72. Kodak 8800 large format photo printer
  73. Hot spotting a laptop
  74. Connecting a Nikon camera to NINA
  75. DVD to USB transfer please
  76. Help required – reading a FITS File that hosts Quasar data
  77. WD Elements not connecting
  78. Asiair how to get extend wifi range.
  79. Ransomware and other stuff
  80. APT new behaviour on change of filter focuser moves right out then back in
  81. Email Delivery
  82. SIRIL Astroimaging software
  83. OpenPHD - what does settling indicate if dithering is off?
  84. Oopsie - save Mono Fits as Colour ones - how to convert?
  85. Good program
  86. Astrosharp open source AI decon tool
  87. Issue with networking.. W'7 and W10 ?
  88. Safe Storage Options
  89. Issue with new HDD
  90. General Hyperbolic Stretch
  91. ZWO gain settings - SGP versus APT
  92. What do others use to run Pixinsight
  93. NINA and AP mount issue
  94. What was the really clever curves optimisation software that came out 12 months ago?
  95. WaveSharp
  96. ASCOM mount + Dome Simulators vs TSX
  97. Nothe APP question
  98. Where do I find an ASCOM driver for a Moonlight Mini v2
  99. Anyone using a Surface Pro to run imaging rig?
  100. Astroberry users
  101. time to upgrade
  102. SimSpec V1.5 released
  103. Assembling mosaics?
  104. APT 4.20 Released, ASTAP update
  105. Can't find software for SBIG 8300m STT.
  106. Astrolab control software choices - which to gravitate towards?
  107. Do many folk run their astro labs / PC control software on a VM or bare metal?
  108. Astronomy Magazine DVD set
  109. New free Version 8 of the Virtual Moon Atlas (VMA)
  110. A new Astropixelprocessor question
  111. AMAZING Comparison - Head-to-head: Adobe Super Resolution vs. ON1 Resize AI vs. Topaz
  112. losing main stars in SiriL registration
  113. "My Astronomy Picture of the Moment"
  114. Transfer of data
  115. PHD2 Drift Alignment / Synscan to the rescue
  116. CPU running fast all the time, some suggestions please
  117. Registax multiple video stacking
  118. Anyone on SGP v4 or using NINA instead?
  119. Another NINA question.
  120. Windows 11 no longer runs Photoshop CS4!
  121. NINA changed behavior
  122. Running your astro-computer via WiFi
  123. KStars/Ekos setup INDI drivers
  124. Old HDD emulation ?
  125. SimSpec SHG V1.4a Update
  126. Online FITS Viewer
  127. annoying Virus alert pop up
  128. merging to images into one please
  129. Cleaning up the Laptop
  130. Synscan upgrade problem
  131. Laptop gets a black screen after logginh in
  132. Switchable USB for remote imaging
  133. PC or lap screen dimmer
  134. Some sound advice please for something dumb
  135. USB 3 1/4" floppy drive
  136. GPU Pixinsight and WBPP
  137. replacement battery for laptop
  138. electrictronic Collimator
  139. NINA Polar alignment plugin
  140. Debloating Windows 11
  141. Suddenly, a new computer is needed...
  142. Buying new laptop.
  143. sharp cap polar align
  144. Pixinsight crashing -weighted batch preprocessing
  145. SkySafari 7 Pro issues
  146. N.I.N.A. question
  147. RC Astro - BlurXterminator
  148. ASiair Mini
  149. microsoft word download please
  150. PHD2 Drift Alignment Tool ( first use )
  151. Al’s Reticle for Win10
  152. your computer has run into a problem and needs to restart, again
  153. ASiair Mini
  154. Stacking subs from different scopes and cameras.
  155. GradientXTerminator
  156. Going nutty with NINA.
  157. Mesu Nount with NINA
  158. Celestron Skyportal Wi-Fi connection problems
  159. Cloning HDD
  160. Microsoft Outlook advice please
  161. That My Gov stuff again, please read on
  162. How to control 3 Asiairs from the same phone.
  163. Dedicated Astro Computers v Generic Computers
  164. QHY8l gain question
  165. Celestron handbox up date
  166. How to type in Asiair plus
  167. Astroberry Astro map indicator
  168. Differing stack results
  169. Getting photos of a iphone to a win 10 laptop please
  170. Is this Spam?
  171. Should I turn my Computer off or just leave it running
  172. Input for computer build
  173. Asiair plus hair pulling time.
  174. New ZWO Ascom Camera Driver
  175. Full access: Apple warns of security flaw for iPhones, iPads and Macs
  176. The Path is to long so I'm told
  177. A simple Win 10 installation please
  178. Help with XP-Pen please.
  179. Reinstalling MKS4000 drivers in a PME mount
  180. WIFI range to laptop
  181. Eagle 4
  182. Upgrading from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10
  183. Are newer NUC's cheaper than old ones?
  184. Astronomy Tools - recommendation
  185. Cloning fron NVMe to NVMe
  186. Are Computer Issues Mechanical or Electronic
  187. APT crashes and wipes everything back to default settings
  188. Your PC has ran into a problem and needs to restart
  189. can I move my Bookmaks location button
  190. what happens when cloning a HDD
  191. Snails pace browser
  192. Question about N.I.N.A vs SGP
  193. AstroPixel Processor. Who’se using it.
  194. Anyone used Astroberry recently?
  195. MaximDL advance guide settings question
  196. Linux
  197. StarXterminator for Photoshop and Pixinsight
  198. Green Bar Function on AutoStakkert 3
  199. QHY 10 OSC issues again
  200. strange typing symbol
  201. Pixinsight
  202. Help with Asiair
  203. Phd2
  204. Upgrade from W'7 to W'10.. strange thing happened
  205. QHY 10 debayer
  206. Very fast service from Scorptech Computers
  207. extra RAM for the Desk Top
  208. New Computer, Maybe
  209. Adequate specs for an astrophotography laptop
  210. Installing security on more than one device some assistance please
  211. Sky’s darks auto guide
  212. PHD2 Profiles and ZWO Drivers
  213. Open PHD2 Guiding Google Groups
  214. Anyone using Stellarmate with a StarAdventurer
  215. raspberrypi
  216. Help with chrome
  217. WiFi boosting
  218. Follow up on using OCAL with RC8
  219. Startools vs Pixinsight ( Startools a new way of image processing)
  220. Connect Zwo to celestron
  221. Siril work flow
  222. Mele Quiter2 PC Power Cable
  223. SGP v3 vs v4
  224. Setting a different home position on an nEQ6pro and ASIair with EQMod cable
  225. Star tools `.8
  226. Raspberry Shake and Boom
  227. Strange presences on my network
  228. Starnet V2 Released
  229. Is there anyway to automate image processing?
  230. Stellarmate 1.6.2 (with kstars 3.5.7)
  231. What do you think of CCD Inspector?
  232. Startools Image Processing Video
  233. Need Help with DNS
  234. Interesting macro tutorial
  235. security token
  236. Need help with fit files
  237. Startools Version 1.8 now released
  238. KStars / Ekos sequencer overview
  239. Photoshop alternative
  240. Windows 11 Upgrade
  241. Good USB3 cable?
  242. Exposures differing on PHD2
  243. ZWO 294MM and NEBULOSITY 4.4.a
  244. Nebulosity 4.4.4a
  245. Problem with USB HDD
  246. ASCOM platform installation offline
  247. HLVG not working in Win10
  248. Latest Cartes du Ciel beta release
  249. To Upgrage or not to upgrade, this is the question
  250. Gaia Sky