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The reviews section is a place where amateurs can write reviews of their own experiences with a piece of equipment, be it a telescope or mount, an eyepiece, an accessory, etc.

I encourage and welcome your contributions. The more people that contribute reviews, the greater value the information will provide, as it gives people the information they need to make an informed decision about what gear to buy next.

Click on any of the links below to read the reviews.

Telescope Reviews

ReviewReview ByDate Added
Bintel 12" Dobsonian Rick Parrott 04-May-2015
Meade LX600 10" SCT Dr John Wilkinson 11-Mar-2014
William Optics GTF 81mm Refractor Dr John Wilkinson 03-Sep-2013
SolarMax II 60mm Solar Telescope - Part 2 Dr John Wilkinson 20-Feb-2012
Orion XX14i Intelliscope Truss Tube Dobsonian Rick Petrie 06-Sep-2011
The Guan Sheng Optical 10" f/4 Newtonian Reflector Graham Stevens 23-Aug-2011
SolarMax II 60mm Solar Telescope - Part 1 John Wilkinson 30-Jun-2011
Altair 8" F/4 Imaging Newtonian Francis Milsom 19-Apr-2011
Astronomy Technology 8" F/4 Astrograph Paul Temple 04-Apr-2011
Celestron CPC800 8" SCT David Roser 25-Mar-2011
8" f/6 Portaball Mohammed Baddah 23-Apr-2010
SkyWatcher 114mm (4.5”) by 900mm Newtonian on EQ2 mount Colin Hut 12-Jan-2010
Takahashi CN212 / 8.35” Cassegrain / Corrected Newtonian James Edwards 22-Nov-2009
Meade 16" LX200 - The Best SCT Ever Made! James Edwards 22-Nov-2009
Laypersons Review of the Meade 12" Deluxe Lightbridge Mark Nesti 07-May-2009
The Takahashi Mewlon 250 Dall-Kirkham Revisited James Edwards 01-Apr-2009
SkyWatcher 10" Dobsonian Anthony S 01-Apr-2009
SkyWatcher FlexTube 12" Dobsonian Duncan Gibb 01-Apr-2009
Williams Optics Megrez 90 Mick Pinner 19-Dec-2008
8" Lightbridge Brian Waddinton 17-Jul-2008
Skywatcher ED80 Pro Daniel Tickell 11-Jun-2008
TMB 9" f/9 Triplet APO Folded Refractor Dr Dietmar Hager 20-Feb-2008
Modified 10" GSO Dob Sab Szalai 25-Jan-2008
The Bintel BT-302 (12") Dobsonian - Review and Modifications Scott Tannehill 13-Dec-2007
The Meade 16” Lightbridge: Big Scope, Good Price Richard Brown 26-Jun-2007
Bintel BT-302 12" Premium Dobsonian Duncan 25-Jun-2007
Saxon 70mm f/7 Achromatic Refractor Chris Lewis 22-Mar-2007
Skywatcher Pro 180mm (7 inch) Mak Cas Mike (aerobrake) 22-Mar-2007
Guan Sheng GS-500 6" f5 Telescope Rick Parrott 09-Feb-2007
Bushnell Northstar 4.5" GOTO telescope Colin Hutchison 10-Jan-2007
Tasco Galaxsee 114375 Pete Moulton 21-Dec-2006
D&G 6" f15 Achromat Lens Andy Jackson 01-Nov-2006
Coronado Personal Solar Telescope (PST) Al Sheehan 21-Aug-2006
Celestron 9.25" XLT OTA John Earl 04-May-2006
Orion XT12 Intelliscope Rick Nelson 04-May-2006
Orion Sky View Pro 100mm ED EQ Telescope Gary Syrba 16-Mar-2006
10" f/5 Guan Sheng Dobsonian Reflector Darren Wong 21-Feb-2006
Orion Short Tube 80 f/5 (80ST) OTA Darren Wong 21-Feb-2006
Skywatcher 120mm Acromatic Refractor Mick Stevens 21-Feb-2006
Guan Sheng GS-880 LTD (10" f/5 Dob) Chris Ruwoldt 10-Jan-2006
10" GSO Dob gaa_ian 10-Jan-2006
AOE152L F/8 Achromatic refractor/EQ5 mount John 23-Jun-2005
Celestron 80mm f7.5 ED Refractor Mark Hodson 21-Mar-2005
Meade 10" LX200GPS-SMT Stuart Welfare 21-Mar-2005

Eyepiece Reviews

ReviewReview ByDate Added
Baader Maxbright Binocular Viewers - A Tale of Two Oculars David Roser 07-Mar-2013
Eyepieces for PST Solar Telescopes John Wilkinson 28-Mar-2011
Generic Chinese Wide Angle Long Eye Relief Eyepieces Ian Ogilvie 16-Mar-2006
13mm Nagler Type 6 Shootout Mike Salway and John Bambury 19-Oct-2005
University Optics 2" 2x Barlow Dave Girling 23-Sep-2005
Budget 15mm Shootout! Mike Salway 19-Sep-2005
Televue 20mm Plossl John 14-Sep-2005
ED-2 9.5mm John 14-Sep-2005
UO 24, 16 & 12mm Konig Eyepieces + 2.8x Klee Barlow Ian Ogilvie 07-Apr-2005
Andrews 2" UW30mm 80 degree Mark Hodson 07-Apr-2005
GSO 2" Superview 42mm Mark Hodson 20-Nov-2004

Binocular Reviews

ReviewReview ByDate Added
Fujinon 16x70 Binoculars Rita Jacobson 26-Jun-2013
Canon Image Stabilised Binoculars Rita Jacobson 24-Jun-2013
Andrews 15x70 Binoculars John Wilkinson 07-Mar-2013
Andrews 10.5x70 MB Ultra Binoculars Greg Reilly 09-Nov-2011
Canon 15x50 IS vs Fujinon Technostabi 14x40 IS Binoculars Geoff Johnston 22-Sep-2010
Meade 9x63 Chris Lewis 21-Aug-2006
20x80 Light Weight Binoculars Malcolm Shackleton 04-Jul-2006
Olympus 8x40 DPS I vs Fujinon 8x42 BFL Steve H 14-Sep-2005

Mount Reviews

ReviewReview ByDate Added
GSO SkyView ALZ Mount Vincent Miu 10-May-2011
Losmandy Titan Matt Todman 24-Jan-2011
T-Rex Heavy Duty Alt / Az Mount Peter J Hexter 14-Jan-2011
Gemini Mountegra Dr Dietmar Hager 20-Feb-2008
Vixen Atlux Mount Matthew Kendall 11-Oct-2007
Vixen Porta Mount Andy Jackson 10-Dec-2006
HEQ5-Pro Allan Gould 16-Mar-2006

Cameras and Imaging Equipment Reviews

ReviewReview ByDate Added
Astrodon Narrowband 3nm H-Alpha and 3nm OIII Filters Slawomir Lipinski 20-Apr-2015
QSI 690i Slawomir Lipinski 20-Apr-2015
ZWO Cameras Hugh Esmond 14-Oct-2013
Canon 60D Performance Paul Russell 26-Jul-2012
Review of the DMK41AF02 with High Resolution Images Mike Salway 24-Feb-2009
QHY8 One Shot Colour Cooled Camera Clive 11-Jun-2008
The Imaging Source - DMK21AU04.AS Matt Patafta 18-Mar-2008
Starlight Xpress SXVF-M25C (OSC) Dr Dietmar Hager 20-Feb-2008
Starlight Xpress SXVF-H16 (Mono) Dr Dietmar Hager 20-Feb-2008
Refractor and Focal Reducer Trials Paul Russell 25-Jan-2008
Astrovid Voyager X - Planetary Imaging Camera Mike Salway 08-Nov-2007

Accessory Reviews

ReviewReview ByDate Added
AstroGazer Observatory John Dolby 05-Aug-2014
Baader 2" Cool Ceramic Safety Herschel Wedge Dr John Wilkinson 25-Mar-2013
Rigel Systems 'N' Step Motor Focuser Rich Bowden 25-Jul-2011
10 foot Home Dome Dr Dietmar Hager 20-Feb-2008
Siebert 36mm ETX 2 inch Eyepiece Adapter Tim Nott 15-Nov-2006
JMI Wheely Bars Stuart Welfare 27-Apr-2005

Books and Software Reviews

ReviewReview ByDate Added
Time-Lapse Photography : A Complete Introduction Mike Salway 09-Aug-2012
Shooting Stars - How to Photograph the Moon and Stars with your DSLR Mike Salway 09-Apr-2012
New Eyes on the Sun Peter Mead 15-Mar-2012
The Transit of Venus: 1631 to the Present Mike Salway 08-Nov-2011
The Moon in Close-up - a next generation astronomer's guide Jenny Ball 20-May-2011
Astronomical Spectroscopy for Amateurs Al Sheehan 25-Mar-2011
The Night Sky Observers Guide, Volumes 1-3 Patrick Kavanagh 25-Mar-2011
The Arp Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies Patrick Kavanagh 15-Feb-2010
The Brightest Stars Sean Liddelow 12-Jul-2009
Atlas of the Southern Night Sky Patrick Kavanagh 06-Nov-2007
The New Worlds Trevor Hand 25-Jun-2007
The Caldwell Objects Trevor Hand 04-Dec-2006
Hartung's Astronomical Objects for Southern Telescopes Trevor Hand 15-Nov-2006
Don Wade’s Astronomical Image Processing Tutorials Doug McEachern 08-Aug-2006
DSLRFocus, the essential DSLR companion Paul Medcraft 10-Jan-2006
The New CCD Astronomy Paul Russell 23-Sep-2005
Discover the Night Sky Darren Quinert 14-Sep-2005
The Stars, A New Way to See Them Scott N Mitchell 07-Apr-2005

Other Reviews

ReviewReview ByDate Added
A Tale of Two Observatories: Darby Falls and Magellan Matthew Kendall 29-Jan-2007

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  1. Write your review. Be descriptive, as technical as is relevant, include pictures, links etc. Reviews are a personal opinion but please be as objective as possible, especially when describing what you consider the positive and negative aspects.
  2. Sign up to the IceInSpace Forums (it'll only take 30 seconds!)
  3. Contact me (via email is probably best) to submit your review, and I'll load it up onto the site!
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