Moon Phase
Waxing Gibbous 65%
Club and Society Listings
To get your club or society listed here, please contact me and give me the details, such as your website, phone number, location, viewing nights, a brief blurb, picture or logo, whatever details you'd like to see here, and I'll add you to the page.
Australian Clubs and SocietiesNSW · QLD · ACT · VIC · TAS · SA · NT · WA
New Zealand Clubs and SocietiesNorth Island · South Island
New South Wales |
Northern Sydney Astronomical Society
General Meetings: 3rd Tuesday of each Month, Regis Hall, Regis Campus in the grounds of St Ignatius College, Riverview Street, Lane Cove. Start 7:30pm. The Theory Group meets the 2nd Tuesday, and the New Astronomers Group meets the 4th Tuesday, all at the same location and time.
Observation nights are scheduled around the dates of the new moon but members can often be found at North Turramurra Golf Course on any Friday and Saturday night when there is a clear sky.
Visitors are very welcome at any meeting. Please check our our website for details of programs and events.
nsas AT
Peter Korber 0423 971374
Astronomical Society of NSW
The Astronomical Society of NSW Inc. (ASNSW) exists to bring together people interested in Astronomy and related sciences, and to promote public interest and education in Astronomy. The ASNSW provides members and the general public access to astronomical observing facilities, educational lectures, and assistance in selecting, using and even building telescopes and related instruments.
The society has up to 400 members throughout NSW and beyond, operates two dark-sky observing sites and publishes a monthly journal, "Universe". The annual observing highlight is the South Pacific Star Party, held over a four-day period in April or May each year at the society's country property, "Wiruna".
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Macarthur Astronomical Society
Welcome to Macarthur Astronomical Society, based in South-Western Sydney.
M.A.S. has been established for over 10 years and is a very active and friendly club. You are most welcome to come along to our monthly meetings and hear our great guest speakers, or perhaps join us beneath a dark and starry sky when we hold our public nights. There you can take advantage of our members wide range of telescopes and their astronomical knowledge and information.
Everyone is welcome, you don't have to have a telescope, all you need is curiosity.Let us show you your universe in a way you thought was never possible.
Illawarra Astronomical Society
Meetings: 2nd Tuesday of each Month, Wollongong Science Centre and Planetarium. Start 8PM.
Regular monthly observing nights, weather permitting. Open Nights in conjunction with the Science Centre.
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Newcastle Astronomical Society
Meetings: First Friday of each Month (execpt January) University of Newcastle, General Purpose Building GP 1.1, from 7:30PM .
Viewing nights listed on the NAS website
Contact: NAS President Chris Bond
Mobile-0412786846 |
Wollongong Amateur Astronomy Club
Meetings are held on the first Thursday of every month at the Unanderra Community Centre, 7:30PM.
Observing Nights are on the Fri/Sat nights at last quarter and new moon weekends.
Mr Jeff Pountney
Mr Warren Norrie
PO Box 130 Warilla NSW 2528
Astronomical Society of the Hunter
Meets 1st Friday each month @ The ASH Southern Cross Observatory Frogolla, Brooks Street, KURRI KURRI NSW 2327
We have 2 small obs, 1 with 16" Dob, 1 with 13.1" dob.
The Starlight Zone segment on Radio 2NUR-FM 103.7 Newcastle OR - click Starlight Zone or LIVE @ 06:50 Mon - Fri.
colmay AT |
Western Sydney Amateur Astronomy Group
The Western Sydney Amateur Astronomy Group, Inc. (WSAAG) is a group of fun loving amateur astronomers in the western suburbs of Sydney, Australia.
The club meets at the University of Western Sydney, Nepean Centre on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. Twice a month there is also dark sky observing at the Linden Observatory, in the Blue Mountains. So, as the sun goes down come and join us for some fun.
Contact Details |
Sutherland Astronomical Society Inc
The Sutherland Astronomical Society Inc meets at the Green Point Observatory in Oyster Bay every Thursday night. 1st Thursday is the main monthly lecture meeting, 3rd Thursday from 6:30pm is Junior Section, especially designed for young astronomers, and 4th Thursday is a workshop.
The Society has a 41cm Newtonian, 35cm SCT with CCD equipment, 15cm Refractor, 20cm Dobsonian and several smaller telescopes on site.
Other activities include annual public open nights, group bookings and an annual adult education course.
Regular dark moon observing is held at Waterfall (south of Sydney) and Bargo (Southern Highlands).
PO Box 31
Sutherland NSW 1499
Phone/fax 9589-1014
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Port Macquarie Astronomical Association
The Port Macquarie Observatory is open to the public on Sunday and Wednesday nights.
The entertaining and informative presentation, including the viewing of astronomical objects, starts at 8.15pm.
Contact Details |
Astronomical Society of Albury Wodonga
Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month (except January) at Victory Lutheran College on Drages Road, Wodonga; from 7.00pm until late.
The club is open to all those interested in discussing and viewing the wonders of the night sky.
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Sydney City Skywatchers
Far from being the new kids on the block, we are the oldest operating astronomical association in Sydney.From December 1895 to September 2004 we were the British Astronomical Association New South Wales Branch. Now in the new millenium, we have a new name, but retain some of the traditions of our fore bearers. Our name now reflects the name of our earliest history, 'The Sydney Comet Watchers', and the desires of some of the original members of the Sydney astronomical community that there be a body of amateur astronomers reresenting the city of Sydney.
Contact Details |
Sydney Northwest Astro Group
Sydney Northwest Astro Group (SNAG) is a new group, viewing at Kenthurst every Friday night. Viewing only, no meetings.
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Grafton Astronomical Society
Meet the first Wednesday of the Month, at the South Grafton Aero club, Vere Street South Grafton, start 7pm.
A good variety of telescopes are owned by members, from small refractors, reflectors both Dobsonian and Newtonians on EQ mounts and Smidt Cassegrains both LX90 and LX200 to 14 inch.
GASS hold several observing nights each Month, at various members properties, where good dark sky observing can be had, GAS also visits various schools in the district where students are given the opportunity to view the skies through various telescopes, as well as several public viewing nights held throughout the year.
President: Mick Austin, ph; 02 6643 1349
Secretary: Peter Bodiam, ph; 02 6654 8410
St Johns Astronomy Group
St Johns Astronomy Group is a small band of amateur astronomers in Mudgee NSW.
We are in our 2nd year now and thought it might be a good idea if we introduced ourselves. We meet twice a month on Tuesday nights at St Johns Anglican Church Mudgee. One meeting is in the rooms th other is an observing night.
We have no membership fees or committee, so therefore no magazine, but we have been very fortunate in having some telescopes donated to us .
We are hoping to have some events for the IYA 2009.
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University of New England & Northern Tablelands Astronomical Society
Located in Armidale NSW, the club meets the first Wednesday of every month from 7pm. The observatory is located on Weirs Rd, (off Booralong Rd), Armidale , NSW.
Please contact our President, Martijn Boerkamp on 0427833154, or the Vice-President, Chris Wyatt on 0427892011 for more details.
We will be participating in some of the IYA 2009 Cornerstone projects!
President (Martijn Boerkamp): 0427833154
Vice President (Chris Wyatt): 0427892011
Griffith Stargazers
Griffith Stargazers is a community group which meets one Saturday evening per month to observe the night sky. The group is also about having fun whilst exploring the universe and getting to know like minded people in Griffith NSW and the surrounding communities.
We have access to a 10" Dobsonian telescope and an 8" Ritchey-Chretien Cassegrain mounted on a HEQ5PRO Synscan "Go-To" equatorial mount. Participants are welcome to bring their own telescopes or binoculars. The group meets at a site just south of Griffith, in a dark location.
For details visit our Facebook page or email
Scott Williams: 0419 694 178
NSW South Coast Astronomical Society
The NSWSCAS is a new astronomical society centred in Moruya but plans to appeal to all interested stargazers and photographers, novice to professional, from Tilba Tilba (just south of Narooma) to Ulladulla (just north of Batemans Bay).
The society is in it's infancy but we look to meet monthly, or fortnightly if there is demand, and discuss new events, science as well as share stories, pictures and information on all things astronomical.
We would like to encourage members to have a telescope or at least consider buying one so that observation evenings can be enjoyed equally by all attending. But at the outset, this is not so crucial.
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Queensland |
Astronomical Association of QLD
(07) 33914587
Bundaberg Astronomical Society |
(07) 41597232
Tropical Stargazers Inc.
Tropical Stargazers and The Great Barrier Reef Observatory, Hamilton Island is incorporated with STAR DREAMING, Portable Digital Dome Theatres and Mobile Planetarium which is available to schools in Nth Queensland (see website for details). Our group meets monthly for viewing nights in the Mackay region at Kinchant Dam, West Mackay, this is a excellent dark sky location. Whitsunday and Hamilton Island viewing nights are available on request for small or large groups. Tropical Stargazers also run nights at local schools on request, so the students, parents and teachers can get a visual enhancement to the curriculum covered within our planetarium shows and in the classroom.
Address: PO Box 40, Hamilton Island Qld 4803
Contact: Ray Johnston FRAS. (Hamilton Island) 0412 478 935, Paul Thomas (Outreach Executive) 0412 461 968
Web: Star Dreaming , Tropical Stargazers |
South East Queensland Astronomical Society
SEQAS meets on the third Tuesday of the month at Chermside Library, Hamilton Road Chermside at 7.30pm. Seqas also holds Urban Observers groups at Indooroopilly State High School on the first Sunday of the month and at Holland Park State School on the third Sunday of the month. Everyone welcome.
Contact: Julie Straayer ph 07 33252479 |
Southern Astronomical Society
The SAS was formed in 1986 to promote Amateur Astronomy. The Society actively encourages Observational Astronomy, Astrophotography, Telescope and Observatory Construction.
The Society meets once a month at the Livingstone Christian College, 62 Reedmans road, ormeau.
Anyone interested is invited to attend a meeting to see what we do, or to join. Also includes observing (field) nights and Monthly Astro Camps. See the Event Horizon page for dates and details.
Membership Officer
(This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it)
Ph : 0421 866 376 (Joe)
President: Noeleen Lowndes
Ph: 0407 126452
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Redlands Astronomical Society
We are a small amateur astronomy society located in the Bayside suburbs of Brisbane.
RAS meets on the second Tuesday of the month at Ormiston College, Ormiston, at 7.30pm. RAS also meets locally for viewing nights on an alternative Tuesday of each month.
Please refer to the RAS website for dates and location. Everyone is welcome.
Contact: Chris Tacke on 0410 444 702
Scenic Rim Astronomy Association
The Association will meet monthly on a Monday with a guest speaker and/or tutorial, followed by viewing if the skies are clear. Meeting nights will vary each month to ensure the best viewing is available and to avoid full moons.
Beginners are encouraged to join and will be supported with guidance and tuition from others Members. Membership is open to all ages however children will need to be accompanied by an adult.
The Association meetings and viewing nights are held at the Harvest Point COC meeting rooms, Walker Rd Gleneagle.
Contact Mark 0402 309 047 |
Wide Bay Astronomical Society Inc
Astronomical Society based in Hervey Bay on Queensland's Fraser coast.
Originally established as a casual observing group in late 2008 we formally incorporated in January 2010. With a deep interest in all things space and the science of astronomy from telescopes to observing the night sky and even photographing it. We have monthly observing sessions and open public education nights at various times throughout the year. The society is comprised of beginners to advanced.
Newcomers are more than welcome to attend.
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Brisbane Astronomical Society
What makes the Brisbane Astronomical Society such an exciting group is our friendly and motivated amateur astronomers covering a broad range of interests. We welcome beginners taking their first steps to exploring the skies and seasoned amateurs alike. Our members enjoy and share observing and imaging, organising public viewing events and school nights. Some even take part in international research projects or discover supernovas or variable stars.
Come and meet us at one of our monthly meetings or even better come along to a public viewing night. You can expect a friendly atmosphere, good company, likeminded discussions and practical advice for novice and experienced observers.
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Townsville Astronomy Group Inc
The Townsville Astronomy Group is a group of friendly amateur astronomers in the Townsville area who enjoy astronomy and wish to share their knowledge by promoting astronomy to the wider community. The Group holds weekly public viewings on the Strand as well as monthly meetings at the Aitkenvale Library and at our dark sky observing site at Donnignton Airfield. Everyone from experienced astronomers to those taking their first steps are more than welcome.
The Townsville Astronomy Group is also currently involved in setting up an Observatory in the Townsville area as well as a mobile Observatory for presentations to school groups. Project Manager - Bob Bartlett 0407747297
Dave Price 07 47888853
Damien Kennedy 0438 028751 |
Australian Capital Territory |
Canberra Astronomical Society
The Canberra Astronomical Society (CAS) was established in 1969 to serve the needs of the amateur astronomical community in the ACT and region. CAS hold monthly meetings at Mt.Stromlo Observatory at 8:00pm on the third Thursday of the month, which often feature guest speakers from the professional astronomical community. We also hold an introductory group at 7:00pm which is aimed at those just entering into the field of astronomy.
CAS hold monthy "deep sky nights" on the weekend of the new moon (weather permitting - especially in Canberra) at rural properties a short drive out of Canberra. These are a popular social event which allow members to escape light polluted skies and enjoy the heavens through either their own scopes or through a number of large light buckets that usually appear.
We also operate a schools program where CAS members take along and operate telescopes for school kids to get a glimpse of some spectacular objects from their own school oval! The society also operates a Meade 14" on Mt.Stromlo which is available for the use of society members and guests.
Published monthly, "The Southern Cross" is the journal of the CAS and is available in printed and .PDF formats for members enjoyment and information. We also have a range of telescopes that CAS members can hire for a small monthly fee.
John on 02 6248 0552 |
Victoria |
Mornington Peninsula Astronomical Society
The MPAS (formerly the Astronomical Society of Frankston) was founded in 1969 with the aim of fostering the study of Astronomy by amateurs and promoting the hobby of amateur Astronomy to the general public.
The Society holds a General Meeting each month for the exchange of ideas and information. A location map will show you where. Regular observing nights, both private and public, are arranged to observe currently available celestial objects. These are held on the FIRST FRIDAY of each month at the MPAS site at the Briars, commencing at 8:00PM.
0419 253 252
Astronomical Society of Victoria
The Astronomical Society of Victoria Inc. is a Melbourne based Society (but with many country members) for people interested in Astronomy, attracting and catering for people with a wide range of ages, abilities and interests. Commenced in 1922, it celebrated its 80th year in 2002. It has a Membership approaching 1000 - the largest in Australia - and perhaps the world
Astronomical Society of Albury Wodonga
Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month (except January) at Victory Lutheran College on Drages Road, Wodonga; from 7.00pm until late.
The club is open to all those interested in discussing and viewing the wonders of the night sky.
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Snake Valley Astronomical Association
Located at Snake Valley in one of the darkest parts of western Victoria, the SVAA holds regular observing nights, 2 Astronomy Camps each year, and members can borrow books, magazines, eyepieces, Astro accessories and Telescopes. Visitors are always welcome. We also conduct Astronomy fun days in the local Primary Schools.
Astronomical Society of Melbourne
The society holds a monthly Club Night at our Melbourne based club rooms, two Shallow Sky viewing events held at our Melbourne based shallow sky facility, plus also one Dark Sky viewing event held at our Gippsland based Dark Sky facility.
The society welcomes beginners to astronomy, and prides itself on being the friendliest society in the region.
Address: PO Box 92, Bentleigh, Vic., 3204.
Contact: 0412 318125
Public Officer & President: Cris Ellis
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Bendigo District Astronomical Society
BDAS have a busy calendar of events, with Astronomy and Space Science Presentations for members and the public (7:30 pm, first Wednesday of the month), astro camps, star nights and astronomical activities for the public, schools and other organisations. We also hold social functions and various other occasions for members to gather, discuss, and participate in astronomy activities including telescope viewing and astrophotography.
We hold General Meetings at the Discovery Science & Technology Centre, 7:30 pm, fourth Wednesday of the month, December and January excepted. Anyone interested in astronomy is welcome to attend.
(This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it)
Graeme Knight 03 5441 5461
Michael Gallagher: 03 5442 5572 |
Ballaarat Astronomical Society
Located Cnr Cobden and Magpie Sts Mt Pleasant Ballarat.
The Society meet bi monthly for meetings.
Members open the Ballarat Observatory every Friday and Saturday evening 1/2 hr before sunset.
Booked groups are taken at other times.
Our events are listed on our website.
(This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it)
03 5332 752 |
Latrobe Valley Astronomical Society
The Latrobe Valley Astronomical Society caters for all with an interest in astronomy, from the budding star-gazer to the more established amateur astronomer. The society began in Moe back in 1954 and has an observatory located on Coach Road Hill in Yallourn.
We welcome visitors to our monthly meetings, most of which are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 7.30pm at Wirilda Education Centre, and monthly observing nights, held on a Friday night around new moon.
Members receive a bi-monthly Newsletter, have access to books and periodicals on astronomy and are able to participate in regular viewing nights at the observatory.
The Society provides an Astronomy Education service for schools and other community groups. Education sessions can be tailored to your requirements, so feel free to contact us.
PO Box 1298 Traralgon Business Centre
Traralgon, Vic 3844
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Mob: 0417 583 239
Warnambool Telescope Corner
Michael Toms will conduct viewing nights for the community of Warnambool. Details will be posted on the Facebook page.
Get in touch via the Facebook page
Mt Burnett Observatory
My Burnett Observatory is a new astronomical society (now two years old) formed at the former Monash University Observatory at Mount Burnett in the Dandenong ranges. We now number 125+ members which makes us the third biggest society in the state.
We have weekly meetings (every Friday from 8pm) to which visitors are welcome and which always include using our telescopes if the weather permits. We are an hours drive from the centre of Melbourne at 430 Paternoster Road Mount Burnett.
We also have a flourishing Young Observers group which meets once a month on the second Saturday of the month.
James Murray 0409 703929
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Bright Astronomy Club
Bright Astronomy Club Inc is a small friendly group that meets once a month for viewing at the Porepunkah Airport near Bright in NE Victoria, taking advantage of the dark skies in the area
Meeting details are updated on our website . Visitors welcome, and a club scope is available for people without a telescope.
President: Zachary West
Secretary: Sean Jinnette
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Astronomical Society of Geelong
The Astronomical Society of Geelong was formed back in the 1960's where we acquired club rooms on the Belmont Common. But in an unforeseen flood in 1995 the rooms and most of the the clubs equipment was destroyed.
We finally found a new home at the Geelong show grounds where we are today. Much work has been put into the club rooms by all the members. We have built an observatory which houses an 8" Celestron Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope on an EQ6 mount that is now computer controlled. We also have a 13" Reflector telescope on a Dobsonian mount that was donated to the club by one of our long standing members family and is used extensively by all members. We are slowly rebuilding what we had lost all those years ago.
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Tasmania |
Astronomical Society of Tasmania
The AST was founded in 1934 for amateur astronomers who share an interest inall aspects of astronomy and its related sciences. The Society's aim is to
engender interest amongst members and the public in all branches of astronomy.
Meetings are held on the last Tuesday of the month January to November.
Location: Hutchins School Conference Centre, Sandy Bay, or at the Canopus
Observatory, Cambridge. Meetings commence at 8 PM.
Regular Observing sessions every Friday at 8:30 p.m. Canopus Observatory
Enquiries: 0419 305 722
South Australia |
Astronomical Society of South Australia
The Astronomical Society of South Australia was founded in 1892 and is the oldest society of its kind in Australia. It is the only representative body for amateur astronomy in the state of South Australia.
The objectives of the Society are to promote the Science of Astronomy and all its branches. It does this by holding regular meetings and viewing nights, circulating current astronomical information, and encouraging popular interest in Astronomy.
The Society occupies a number of permanent observatories in South Australia that house some of the largest telescopes in the state, and can bring smaller telescopes to schools and groups venues.
Contact |
Northern Territory |
Gove Amateur Astronomers
We are a club only 2 yrs old in the NT. We meet monthly for observing nights as advertised in the local paper & on our BLOG site above.
Western Australia |
Astronomical Society of Western Australia
Established in 1950 the Astronomical Society of WA an association of astronomers - both professional and amateur (the word "amateur" reflecting their love of astronomy).
ASWA strives to promote and popularise astronomy - as both a modern-day science and an exciting and rewarding hobby. To this end the Society provides a number of services and activities for members and the public:
- General Meetings with guest speaker 2nd Monday of each month at 8 pm (Beginners Class 7 pm)
- Hands On Workshop and Club Night meeting 4th Monday of each month at 7 pm
- General Meetings, HOW and Club Nights all held at South Perth Bridge Club, cnr Barker & Brittain Sts, Como.
- Deep Sky viewing nights at Bakers Hill at new moon
- Lunar Section viewing nights at Whiteman Park
- AstroCamps at Dryandra each March and October at new moon
- Solar picnics and viewing
- Large lending library
- Instrument loan programme
- Email newsgroup
- Bi-monthly publication of 'The Sidereal Times'
- Very dark sky site 2 hours from Perth with an observatory under development
ASWA also holds regular public viewing nights and takes telescopes to schools and groups, both with viewing facilities for wheelchairs and people with mobility difficulties.
Visitors and prospective members very welcome.
(08) 9246 4190
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Great Southern Amateur Astronomers
The Great Southern Amateur Astronomers are holding their first organized meeting in the Mt Barker High School Agriculture Building Oct 27 7.30 pm. The site provides a magnificent class room and good open viewing and being about 50k inland it has clearer air than Albany and reasonably central to the area. We hope to hold an organized viewing evening when the weather clears and being at the school we feel it will draw many interested folk young and old, or should I say adult!!!
(08) 98447754 or (08) 98514628
New Zealand - North Island |
Rotorua Astronomical Society Inc.
The Rotorua Astronomical Society is a small society that meets in the Comunity centre in the old bowling clubrooms at the end of Kamahi Placeon the first Wednesday of the month. Meetings are usually addressed by one of the members. The society has an observatory located at a dark sky sight near the Green Lake on the way to lake Tarawera and just 15 Km from Rotorua Central Post Office. The Main telescope is a 15 cm Schmidt-Cassegrain reflector. Other members, including one who has won awards for telescope building, have their own telescopes. There is also an interest in Educational Astronomy.
Meetings are held at 7.30 pm on the first Wednesday of the month (excluding January).
Ken Blackman (07)348-4312 or Alasdair Jackson (07)349-1194
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Postal Address: 391A sunset Road, Pukehangi Rotorua 3010
The Phoenix Astronomical Society
TPAS is affiliated to the Royal Astronomical Society of NZ.
The Phoenix Astronomical Society is an enthusiastic group of astronomers from Wellington and the lower north Island who gather regularly for meetings and observing sessions. The club has a great dark site in Carterton with an excellent observatory where members are very happy to provide viewing opportunities for individuals or groups. We also run 2 club observing evenings per month that include presentations as well as astrophotography on the Byres astrograph.
Meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of every month at Carters observatory Wellington, and at our Carterton clubrooms/dark site on the 3rd Friday of the month.
(This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it)
04-934-8838 or 021-255-2571
New Zealand - South Island |