View Full Version here: : Eyepieces, Barlows and Filters

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  1. Impossible??
  2. Zeiss Zoom Experience?
  3. An interview
  4. Table Mountains Optics UHC ( Needs clean ) ???
  5. Is there a filter specifically made to filter out Moon light?
  6. 17mm Baader Hyperion modular eyepiece
  7. 2024 Eyepieces Buyer's Guide
  8. ASKAR dual band filters
  9. Should I Buy The SVbony 135 7-21 Zoom
  10. Interesting offering
  11. deleted
  12. Cheap case for a few Plossls
  13. Old Lumicon Ha filter
  14. Astromania 1.25" 4-Elements 5x TeleXtender
  15. Poor man’s Dioptrix
  16. Lumicon Deep Sky Filter 2"
  17. Tak New Product - TPL Series Eyepieces
  18. Takahashi Abbe Ortho
  19. Recomended Barlow for Celestron Edge HD8
  20. Eye Relief
  21. Celestron Eclipsmart Solar filter
  22. 2023 Eyepiece Buyer's Guide
  23. Baader Fringe Killer
  24. Can anyone separate, clean and re-cement eyepiece elements?
  25. Eyepiece recommendations for Public Viewing
  26. How Often?
  27. Is it worth using a LP filter in dark skies
  28. Morpheus and Nagler eyepiece mounting flange heights
  29. New Svbony 3-8mm zoom
  30. Moon filter SW 127 mak
  31. A Night out with a Panoptic and Masuyama
  32. Antlia Triband RGB Ultra Filters
  33. PENTAX XW16.5 and PENTAX XW23
  34. astronomical Beamsplitters
  35. ZWO 2" M42 filter drawer - m48 to m42 adapter ring
  36. National Geo Newtonian - EP's?
  37. Siebert EP's
  38. TV Powermate field stops vs barrel size makes no sense.
  39. Baader Hyperion 31mm Eyepiece for 10" Dob?
  40. 10mm Masuyama quick test
  41. APM 12.5mm Hi FW
  42. APM 12.5mm Hi FW eyepiece
  43. APM Superzoom eyepiece
  44. Additional Eyepiece - Thoughts?
  45. Quick impressions on new EP
  46. After recommendations for an 18mm Ep at $100 or less (1,25")
  47. Filter choices for OSC imaging
  48. Takahashi News
  49. Antlia filter reviews?
  50. Binoviewer servicing
  51. Leica Service Excellent!
  52. Wratten #39 filter
  53. Wratten W47 filter
  54. 28mm RKE or ES 24mm 68degree
  55. Horsehead hunting 2" vs 1.25" H-beta filter\eyepiece combos
  56. #82a light blue filter - Jack of all trades?
  57. Visual Advice - Eye Pieces
  58. Higher powered Bino EP's?
  59. sky-watcher linear OR dual speed crayford focuser
  60. New APM zoom 75 degree
  61. IR blocking filter
  62. Eye Pieces for Kids (on 80ED)
  63. Powermate with ext tubes with/without diagonal little focus change??
  64. Are planetary Plossls worth the short eye relief?
  65. Filters to use with ZWO color cameras
  66. LPR (Light Pollution Reduction) filters
  67. Pentax 40mm XW-R vs Panoptic
  68. Pentax on sale at Agena
  69. What do people think of the new BINTEL Premium Eyepieces?
  70. Eyepiece advice for SCT
  71. Eyepiece recommendations for a 6 inch Saxon Dob
  72. What are your best 3 eyepieces?
  73. Binoviewer Eyepieces
  74. Anybody brought the 68degree Svbony EPs?
  75. StarGuider Dual ED EPs
  76. I.D this Fw please
  77. How I rank a large number of good eyepieces
  78. 1.25" spacer/washer similar to parfocal rings
  79. Vixen SSW eyepieces
  80. What filter for bortle 3 skies
  81. Guide me on Eyepieces & DSLR adapters
  82. An EP Role Call
  83. Televue 55mm Plossl
  84. Filter adapters?
  85. A few different high end eyepieces at a dark site
  86. Eyeguards 36mm flat
  87. Mixing unmounted and mounted filters in wheel
  88. What Binoviewers are a decent combo of price and performance?
  89. Several new eyepieces first impressions
  90. A couple of eyepieces that are great value
  91. Baader HYPERION
  92. Eyepiece recommendations for a beginner
  93. where can you buy rubber eyecups?
  94. Which 100 degree eyepiece do you like?
  95. What is your favourite barlow?
  96. UHC and OIII filters
  97. What’s your alltime favourite eyepiece?
  98. A brief first impression of various eyepieces AP130GT
  99. Fujiyama Ortho eyepieces
  100. Baader Morpheus Eyepieces
  101. Optolong filters
  102. Anyone used these new Tak Ultrawide eyepieces?
  103. Astronomik SHO and LRGB filter sets
  104. Baader MkIV Zoom & Baader Barlow
  105. What would be the best Powermate for my scope?
  106. Field Flattener Compatibility
  107. Eyepiece suggestions f/5 newt
  108. Explore Scientific eyepieces
  109. 10mm Masuyama eyepiece
  110. Eyepieces and Glasses
  111. Eyepieces ID (Clave and others)
  112. Sub 3.5mm eyepiece for planetary/lunar
  113. Cleaning OSC 2” ZWO Duoband filter
  114. Celestron 8-24mm eyepiece
  115. Barlow for GSO RC 8”
  116. Denkmiere Binotron Questions
  117. New Eyepiece Box
  118. Celestron diagonal question
  119. Do you need to remove sensor window to shoot UV?
  120. Filter sizes to suit ASI 183MM Pro
  121. TV eyepiece comparison?
  122. Barlow for Coronado 'full disk' with 174MM?
  123. Televue Powermate price difference
  124. Using SCT thread filter on refractor
  125. ZWO vs Optolong
  126. Filter Drawers
  127. TV verses TAK
  128. Baader Hyperion 8-24 Zoom Eyepiece and Barlow 2.25x
  129. Televue Apollo 11 Commemorative Eye Piece - Review
  130. Wood wonders Eyepiece box
  131. Barlow question.
  132. Starizona Hyperstar v4 in Oz?
  133. Skywatcher Dobsonian compatible eyepieces?
  134. Opinions on Zoom eyepieces for solar?
  135. Astronomik Dark Filter 2in - worth it?
  136. x1.5 Tele-extender or Barlow
  137. 2020 Eyepiece Buyer's Guide
  138. Focal Reducer/Field Flatener ZWOasi294
  139. Televue eyepieces price hike
  140. Nikon NAV-HW 17mm Eyepiece
  141. Eyepiece recommendation
  142. Ethos 21 vs 17 for 12inch f/10
  143. backfocus distance with filters. How to calculate?
  144. Pentax XW press release
  145. Televue Apollo 11 Commemorative Eye Piece
  146. Which LP Filter
  147. Explore Scientific x3 V's Meade Series 5000 x3 Extenders
  148. IDAS D2 - where to buy in Australia?
  149. Takahashi .. On a budget..Maybe
  150. Nexstar 4se finderscope bracket replacement
  151. Pentax XW eyepieces versus Naglers
  152. Light Pollution Filter or Ha Filter?
  153. Eyepiece rubber fittings
  154. Powermate - issues with Baader clicklock
  155. 14mm Morpheus reviews
  156. What Filter ......
  157. Well I didn't' think the eyepiece would be that narrow FOV
  158. Extender, Barlow or Ortho?
  159. Electronic star finder ?
  160. Can someone explain the TV eyepieces?
  161. 2" vs 1.25" eyepieces
  162. Pentax xf 8.5 opinions?
  163. Eye piece explanations
  164. best eyepiece for 105mm f6 APO
  165. Which 16mm
  166. Comparing Meade Series 4000 and Series 5000 6.7mm UWA Eyepeices
  167. Nagler T4 22mm Fantastic eyepiece
  168. Seeking eyepiece advice for a SWED120BD f/7.5
  169. Can anyone tell me what this is please
  170. Zoom eyepieces FOV
  171. Using microscope eyepieces
  172. What focal Length ............
  173. Detached barlow
  174. Eyepiece designs.. the theory
  175. Looking for 25mm recommendations for a Fast Newt
  176. 2" EPs for 8" Celstron SCT?
  177. Filter Cases
  178. Recommendations needed
  179. Astronomik UHC Visual Filter
  180. Tele Vue Powermate 5x
  181. Erecting prism woes
  182. 2" eyepieces for Esprit 100?
  183. Explore scierntific 52 eyepieces
  184. Quad band filter??????
  185. Ha specific eyepieces, Why?
  186. Cleaning Eye Pieces and Telescope lenses
  187. Finderscope threads
  188. Keeping rubber eyepiece cups & handgrips soft and supple
  189. Buying lenses and filters in a kit, good or bad move
  190. MASUYAMA eyepiece
  191. Recommendations for "reasonable" 6mm eyepiece
  192. Eyepiece Spacing
  193. Baader Highspeed Ha Filter 2"
  194. Vixen SLV
  195. New Tak le7.5 in Japan?
  196. Pentax XW 30mm EP
  197. A Question About Meade 30mm UWA - Saxon 30mm SWA
  198. O-III filters....which one for visual
  199. Burgess 24mm Modified Erfle & 10mm Ultra Mono
  200. Takahashi LE Eyepieces
  201. Which eyepiece 10-20mm for 180 mak?
  202. Quality eyepieces
  203. Filter for Planetary AP?
  204. Tele Vue DeLite eyepieces
  205. Epoxy undercuts
  206. 9mm Nagler vs 10mm delos
  207. Televue registration
  208. 30mm 80 degree 2" eyepiece
  209. Saxon Cielo HD 60º eyepieces
  210. Eyepeice cleaning
  211. diagonals
  212. Eyepieces primer?
  213. Is this normal for this EP
  214. Nikon Full Frame Drop In Filter
  215. Orion
  216. Astrodon Filters
  217. Powermates in sips focuser
  218. GSO Superview 2" eps and GSO 2x Barlow
  219. What do the circles mean?
  220. best orthoscopic ep
  221. IR blocker filter???
  222. 2" M48 filter spacers?
  223. Barlow wrong size for scope
  224. Meade nebular filter #07524
  225. Explore Scientific 20mm 100 deg
  226. Which eyepiece to fill the void?
  227. Eyepiece upgrades
  228. Filters, which ones?
  229. Question on ND filters and solar imaging
  230. Nagler 22mm T4 Eye piece
  231. TV Powermates For DSLR Planetary Imaging
  232. What makes eyepieces more prone to diffraction spikes
  233. New Vixen Hr 3.4mm coming soon!
  234. Morpheus 17.5mm
  235. Swarovski 25-50 W Zoom Eyepiece
  236. Eye Piece Suggestions for Mak 180
  237. Tak extenders
  238. Orion LHD Lanthanum 80 degree UWA Eyepieces
  239. TAKAHASHI TOE and ABBE orthoscopics.
  240. Which Light Pollution Filter is best for me?
  241. Cleaning Eyepieces
  242. Tak ortho vs Tak Le?
  243. NB filters are here..., what's next?
  244. Which EPs to get rid of?
  245. Pentax XO
  246. How good are Delites?
  247. Hyperion
  248. Colour filters
  249. Cleaning.
  250. Lx200 Microfocuser issue