Originally Posted by Leo.G
Three lunar eclipses within the next couple of years. It will be cloudy here.
The last partial or full eclipse sometime last year (or earlier this year, I don't remember) it was full cloud coverage until the event was over and within minutes of the end the sky was the clearest it had been in months, bloody typical.
Hi Leo,
I hear your pain, however, to quote Christopher Pyne from an interview with Lisa Wilkinson where he was referring to switching sides during Liberal leadership struggles, "You have to be nimble!"
I was in Canberra for that eclipse, I assume you're referring to the Nov 2022 eclipse. I noticed that the city was going to be covered in cloud for the entire event but it was going to be clear a short distance north (40km). So a friend and I went up to Lake George and we had no cloud for the whole evening while Canberra was almost completely clouded out.
I had carefully worked out a time lapse, focal lengths etc then left my second DSLR at home
I helped Felicity set up to take a wide angle time lapse which I later processed for her while I shot close ups. Felicity didn't have an intervalometer so all those exposures were captured by her just referring to the time on her iPhone then using a time delay release. Pretty good.