Originally Posted by gregbradley
I think Astronomiks are probably the current best bang for buck. Mike uses them and his images are superb.
Thanks greg. I think you're right.
Mike's images are indeed superb, however his Obsy is in a dark site and most of my imaging is done under severe LP rom the 'burbs.
Astronomiks NB set is reasonably priced but only 7nm - as opposed to my current 3nm Astrodons, with which I can image on any clear night regardless of the moon.
Astronomik LRGB set is also very well priced and available locally.
However money talks and $2k vs, 7k is a compelling argument, with enough change from the sale of my existing camera & filters to purchase a complete set of Astronomiks and fund the focusser/paracoor/tube upgrades to my Newt.