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Old 23-05-2011, 09:29 AM
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I'd concur with Les's analysis of the reporter finding two angles to the event.

The report on TV was done in a fun way - with a whimsical tone in Juanita Phillips voice when listing the astrologers claims. Her voice sounded more serious when introducing the AAO Directors comment, which they most appropriately put at the end as the serious 'voice of reason'.

TV News is popular culture- the alignment's aesthetic significance would have been lost on the audience, but the astrology angle made the piece fun. It was a puff piece at the end of the bulletin- and I for one enjoyed it. Dave Eicher needs to lighten up- perhaps he needs to move `down under' himself.
Old 23-05-2011, 11:33 AM
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Originally Posted by Satchmo View Post
You did a science degree and studied philosophy of science without coming away with any understanding about scientific method and the birth and growth of astrology as pseudo-science in its historical context. That could only be an indictment of modern universities.

You read that in a book written by a materialist and assumed it was true since you were too lazy to investigate it for yourself. I am not interested in discussing matters with people who merely parrot other people's opinions as if they were some kind of holy scripture. We must be open minded, not dogmatic. If you think you are able to judge me, maybe I should judge you too. So.... I recommend an appointment for you in the Vatican as a paragon of the sacred never-to-be-questioned dogma.

Well, I WILL question everything since I am a true scientist and not a blind sheeple follower.

As for stuff in newspapers, even that is true as well even if it is not made by any quantifiable means, and just 'channeled' out of the ether thanks to the phenomenon of synchronicity discovered in recent times by Carl Jung, and believed in by every great mind who has ever walked the earth. Thank you!
Old 23-05-2011, 11:45 AM
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I don't LIKE when people heap stuff on my astrology. It makes me shake with fury cos i have investigated this VERY in depth and am talked down by people who only have a passing interest. How DARE you. I am flouncing from this forum for one week in protest. But I will leave you with the notion of how synchronicity works:

Synchronicity makes even the things we read in newspapers, VERY relevant to our lives:

Synchronicity is the experience of two or more events, that are apparently causally unrelated or unlikely to occur together by chance, that are observed to occur together in a meaningful manner. The concept of synchronicity was first described by Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung in the 1920s.[1]

As for the moving sun idea... that is for the more quantifiable form of astrology... The earth orbits, not the sun, but the center of mass... the sun shifts away from the center of the solar system when planets line up so weather on earth becomes more extreme. It's not pseudoscience at all! It's NEW SCIENCE! GOODBYE!
Old 23-05-2011, 11:52 AM
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Another Astrology vs. Astronomy thread. Yay!
My daughter started year7 and she's quite excited about all the new stuff, maths, tech, science they're starting to learn in high-school. Last night she came around my laptop while I was doing some plate solving and asked me what's the difference between astrology and astronomy. I din't want to influence her so I sent her to the wikipedia pages for a bit of reading.

She came back 10min later and said: "You know astrology?... I think it's BS"
Old 23-05-2011, 11:56 AM
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Originally Posted by overlord View Post

I don't LIKE when people heap stuff on my astrology. It makes me shake with fury cos i have investigated this VERY in depth and am talked down by people who only have a passing interest. How DARE you. I am flouncing from this forum for one week in protest.
Adios !
I'm surprised this didn't happen sooner !

Old 23-05-2011, 12:55 PM
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Originally Posted by overlord View Post

I don't LIKE when people heap stuff on my astrology. It makes me shake with fury cos i have investigated this VERY in depth and am talked down by people who only have a passing interest. How DARE you. I am flouncing from this forum for one week in protest. But I will leave you with the notion of how synchronicity works:

Synchronicity makes even the things we read in newspapers, VERY relevant to our lives:


As for the moving sun idea... that is for the more quantifiable form of astrology... The earth orbits, not the sun, but the center of mass... the sun shifts away from the center of the solar system when planets line up so weather on earth becomes more extreme. It's not pseudoscience at all! It's NEW SCIENCE! GOODBYE!
Once more, all I hear is unsubstantiated nonsense. Actually, I have no interest at all in your astrology, let alone a passing interest. Why?? Because for the last 400 years science has shown that astrology is nothing more than the deluded fantasies of fools who want to persist in believing in fairies under the toadstools or in some outside influence which magically has something to do personally with them and their banal lives, or has some influence over the world at large. I DARE to question your logic and your understanding, even your education, simply because I have actually spent the time (and a good deal of money) getting a scientific education as well as a broad understanding of many fields (let alone science). Plus, I have the practical experience to back myself up, which is more than I can say for yourself since you've apparently spent the last 11 years with your head in God knows what books at university. Oh, and as for not having read about it all, I'm sorry to disappoint you but I have a great interest in many things "paranormal" and I am not as "narrow minded" as you have thought. Far less so than you could even realise, actually. However, I don't go off into cloud cuckoo land with it. Nor do I make unsubstantiated claims based on little or no evidence, circumstance and coincidence or wishful thinking. If you were the scientist that you claim to be, neither would you. Since you have, through your posts here recently, shown that this is not the case, then what you say has little or no relevance to any discussion of scientific theory whatsoever. It's nothing more than psycho-babble and misguided ramblings. Please, keep your thoughts to yourself.
Old 23-05-2011, 12:58 PM
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We are not setting a good example for world peace here

Last edited by Satchmo; 23-05-2011 at 02:05 PM.
Old 23-05-2011, 02:10 PM
overlord (Charles)
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Originally Posted by Satchmo View Post
Actually, I majored in History and Philosophy of Science and I read widely on the history of astrology as part of my courses. Your whole tone and language doesn't strike me as someone with any real background in academic discipline and critical thinking.

What reaction do you expect to get trolling an astronomy forum ? Its a bit like cruising in to South Australian waters in seal breeding season , tipping a bucket of burley in to the water then jumping in and complaining you are getting bitten by Great White sharks.
LOL How am I a troll for responding to an astrology thread trashing astrology? .... with astrology? And you respond with what.... ASTROLOGY IS WRONG. AGREE OR YOU ARE A TROLL. I KNOW COS I NEVER READ ANYTHING REGARDING IT AND COS SOMEONE SAID SO AND COS 'EVERYONE KNOWS'. umm no thanks. That is NOT convincing. That is not scientific.

U have NOT responded to my point that the sun is not in the center of the solar system when the planet line up because you can't and keep your religious belief system in tact. I would LOVE you to respond to that but you would rather insult. lol. this is science? Um, no. If you want to participate in scientific discussion then I would like to see some science.

Where? EXACTLY do I read that astrology has been disproven? How was it disproven? When did it happen? Am I hitting my head against a brick wall? Let me remind you that this thread is about ASTROLOGY, LOL.

What, i'm supposed to AGREE? with some unsubstantiated insult? LOL! From someone with no education in astrology? Like that's gonna happen, LOL! There are books written every year by professors in academic institutions on the effect of planetary bodies in modifying the sun and this is .... superstition? Ah excuse me but I don't like reading that rubbish! Thank you!

Oh, the sun moves out of the center of the solar system cos it's being superstitious?! UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
Old 23-05-2011, 02:17 PM
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Does that mean the stuff they say about Sagittarians isn't true and I've been deluding myself all this time

not happy Jan
Old 23-05-2011, 02:47 PM
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Originally Posted by overlord View Post
LOL How am I a troll for responding to an astrology thread trashing astrology? .... with astrology? And you respond with what.... ASTROLOGY IS WRONG. AGREE OR YOU ARE A TROLL. I KNOW COS I NEVER READ ANYTHING REGARDING IT AND COS SOMEONE SAID SO AND COS 'EVERYONE KNOWS'. umm no thanks. That is NOT convincing. That is not scientific.

U have NOT responded to my point that the sun is not in the center of the solar system when the planet line up because you can't and keep your religious belief system in tact. I would LOVE you to respond to that but you would rather insult. lol. this is science? Um, no. If you want to participate in scientific discussion then I would like to see some science.

Where? EXACTLY do I read that astrology has been disproven? How was it disproven? When did it happen? Am I hitting my head against a brick wall? Let me remind you that this thread is about ASTROLOGY, LOL.

What, i'm supposed to AGREE? with some unsubstantiated insult? LOL! From someone with no education in astrology? Like that's gonna happen, LOL! There are books written every year by professors in academic institutions on the effect of planetary bodies in modifying the sun and this is .... superstition? Ah excuse me but I don't like reading that rubbish! Thank you!

Oh, the sun moves out of the center of the solar system cos it's being superstitious?! UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
I thought you were going to "flounce off" for a week...can't even keep to your own word!!!.

You can cry foul as much as you like, it still doesn't change the fact that astrology, in all its varied forms, is nothing more than pseudoscientific nonsense dressed up in a facade of spurious authority, which despite your protestations to the contrary, it has even less than nothing of. You talk about religious belief systems...it's funny how it is you that is showing all the symptoms of a religious belief and a clear case of messianic fervour for your misguided world paradigm. If you are so fervently sure of the veracity of what you believe in, you supply the proof. Where are the peer reviewed articles and the empirical studies done by credible institutions and leading scientists in the field...and I don't mean Nexus Magazine or one of these American "institutes" that deal in this sort of rubbish. Also quoting Carl Jung or anyone like Ptolemy or Aristotle isn't going to help your cause either.

It's quite apparent from your ramblings here that you actually don't understand a thing about science or the scientific method. If you did, you wouldn't be waffling on like you are doing. You'd be too embarrassed to do so because the more you open your mouth and spout this rubbish, the sillier you look. You're digging your own academic grave here, although I suspect it's one you've been digging for quite some time.

Last edited by renormalised; 23-05-2011 at 03:06 PM.
Old 23-05-2011, 03:30 PM
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Actually, the thread was about journalistic professionalism and whether Australians like being lectured to by a US journalist.

The validity of astrology arose subsequently.

Re: "the sun shifts away from the center of the solar system when planets line up so weather on earth becomes more extreme", here is a bit of science - from my reading, the Solar System barycenter spends most of its time within the main structure of the Sun. In the extremely rare circumstance of all the planets aligned in a line away from the Sun, the barycentre would be approximately 500,000 km above the Sun's "surface", the maximum possible distance from the centre of the Sun. Given the Sun's approximate diameter is 1,400,000 km, this would not be particularly significant. Given the difference between perihelion and aphelion for the Earth is some 5,000,000 km, having the barycenter move to one tenth of this distance above the surface of the Sun every few thousand years (guess - when the planets fully "align") is clearly not significant for the Earth's weather, nor anything else of importance on Earth, for that matter.

By the way, Chucky, I thought you were taking a break from IIS? Please feel free to do so.
Old 23-05-2011, 04:10 PM
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Given the Sun's approximate diameter is 1,400,000 km, this would not be particularly significant.
Yes but you see that is an assumption on your part. World events might dictate otherwise. However I fully understand why people are saying astrology is not scientific. It's because there are many variables and we can't exactly replicate the world in a test tube to prove any of this. Fine, but does that really mean it's a pseudoscience? Does it really mean we are Verbotten?!

I also took it upon myself to make blog post regarding this debacle:


Thank you.
Old 23-05-2011, 04:24 PM
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Chucky, Charles, Chucky, Chucky...if it wasn't for the fact that you take this nonsense so seriously this whole conversation would be hilarious!!!!

Quite frankly, you should keep to your conspiracy theories website and not stray too far from there...dealing with reality is a little too much. It's quite obvious from your musings there that you have a tenuous grip on what science is about. If you actually have any understanding at all. The same goes for the rest of your motley crew.
Old 23-05-2011, 04:26 PM
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Oh brother … !!

Originally Posted by Overlord
To an astrologer, it is intuitively correct... alignments cause economic and thus political catastrophe by ruining an old cycle of growth. This can never be taken as superstition as it is so evidently an ipso factum, or actual case.

Old 23-05-2011, 04:38 PM
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Oh well, I'll take my leave of this thread. Good luck all

EDIT: sorry, back again! Just read Chucky's Blog - I must "get a life" - and I quote from his "Observing the Canals on Mars!" entry:- "I strongly suspect that NASA cameras, (and cameras in general), are not sensitive to the light frequency required to see the canals, or required to piece images together. We see with our minds, our eyes are an instrument. There appear to be shadows of the canals evident on the Hubble photographs, but as always, they simply do not show up very well on photographs at all! Several 'canals' look like strings of craters." Seems to me that Chucky achieved what Percival Lowell achieved - they both saw canals in their minds.

Last edited by erick; 23-05-2011 at 04:50 PM.
Old 23-05-2011, 04:39 PM
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Yes but you see that is an assumption on your part. World events might dictate otherwise. However I fully understand why people are saying astrology is not scientific. It's because there are many variables and we can't exactly replicate the world in a test tube to prove any of this. Fine, but does that really mean it's a pseudoscience? Does it really mean we are Verbotten?!

If your ramblings where not so pathetic, they would be funny
Old 23-05-2011, 04:39 PM
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Originally Posted by erick View Post
Oh well, I'll take my leave of this thread. Good luck all
Smart move...preserve your sanity whilst you can
Old 23-05-2011, 04:39 PM
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Chucky, Charles, Chucky, Chucky...if it wasn't for the fact that you take this nonsense so seriously this whole conversation would be hilarious!!!!

you forgot "chuckster" or "The chuckster"
for that shall be his name!
Old 23-05-2011, 04:48 PM
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Originally Posted by blink138 View Post
Chucky, Charles, Chucky, Chucky...if it wasn't for the fact that you take this nonsense so seriously this whole conversation would be hilarious!!!!

you forgot "chuckster" or "The chuckster"
for that shall be his name!
Many names...one face.
Old 23-05-2011, 05:08 PM
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Chucky I'm on your side as long as you can confirm what they say about Sagittarians is true then I can stick it too all those nay sayers

so rude ain't they
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