Update. Photoshop H-Alhpa blending
Posted a while ago but i thought I'd see if any new opinions available.
a. Stack DSLR rgb
b. Stack DSLR H-Alpha (RGB)
Blended red channel from a, with H-alpha in photoshop to create new red channel. Pretty poor result
Then used luminosity of H-alpha blended with red channel and H-alpha RGB and used the combined image as a new layer over (a. RGB image)in Photoshop. Tried varoius blend modes and ended up with image that was a bit better but not breathtaking.
Both the above i have followed via tutorials on the net. Anyone using Photoshop out there have any techniques they would like to share?
Tried ImagesPlus but at the end of the day it is only a variation on Photoshop and it couldn't handle my large files.
Cheers carl