Moon Phase
First Quarter 54.7%
Do you have a passion for space and astronomy? Do you have an article or review that you could share with thousands of amateur astronomers and space enthusiasts just like you?
IceInSpace relies on the contributions of its diverse community to share their knowledge and experience to help others in our hobby.
What are We Looking For
- Articles for Beginners to help them get up to speed
- Do-It-Yourself tips, projects and how-to articles
- How-to articles, tips and techniques for Visual Observing
- How-to-articles, tips and techniques for Astrophotography
- Equipment, Sofware or Book Reviews
- News, Previews and Reports of upcoming or past Celestial Events
- News, Previews and Reports of any Community News from your astronomy club or society, including any upcoming or past Community Events.
Submissions must be original content and you must be willing for us to use the content on IceInSpace indefinitely.
Your submission may be edited for spelling, grammar or style to ensure consistent quality of content at IceInSpace.
How to Contribute
Please follow these simple guidelines to ensure your content is published as soon as possible:
- Where relevant, please include photos which will help illustrate your article, review, diy etc. Please include captions for photos.
- Photos should be around 800×600 pixels and under 150kb jpeg.
- Submissions can be any length but generally should be at least 250 words.
- Submissions can be sent as a MS Word or text document (emailed) or simply as the text in an email. Please do not send PDF’s or links to web pages.
- Please include your name and your forum login name (where applicable).
Send your submissions to:
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Thank you for your contributions.