Voting for the IceInSpace Calendar Competition for 2016 is now open!

Voting for the IceInSpace Calendar Competition for 2016 is now open! Just by voting, you can win a prize pack valued at $100. Click here to vote!

So it's over to you! During May and June, we had some of IceInSpace's best astrophotographers submit their images. We had an amazing response, with 276 images submitted by 65 different photographers. The quality of images was absolutely stunning - we were blown away by the talent and will be pleased to feature ANY of those images in the 2015 calendar!

David (Astrovisuals) and I have now narrowed those images down to 3 in each category across 13 categories, and now it's up to you! You get to select your favourite images in each category, and the winning images will be used in the 2016 IceInSpace Astronomy Calendar.

So get voting, and please share the link with your friends via email, Facebook, Twitter and more.

For more information, see the IceInSpace Calendar Competition Rules and Info Page.

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