This was a bit of fun that I would like to share with all. Whilst checking the subs from last night's data capture on M074 (ASI2600/TAk TSA120) I noticed a star moving between the sub frames when blinking the captures. I had 17 sub frames of 600 seconds each with a mixture of red, green and blue frames.
Being somewhat puzzled and intrigued by this moving 'object', I used the plate solve and render function in Pixinsight which identified the 'object' as the asteroid 10 Hygiea 10.46.
See the Wikipedia article for the asteroid here.
A summary of the key metrics of the asteroid is:
* Diameter between 425 and 440km
* Fourth largest asteroid in the asteroid belt
* Discovered by Annibale de Gasparis in 1849
* Orbital period 5.57 years
* Aphelion 3.49 AU
* Perihelion 2.78 AU
Attached are three images that show the position of the asteroid in the subframes collected. I have shown them as "Frame 01", "Frame 17" and "Integrated". Frames 01 and 17 and the first and last subs in the data set. "Integrated" is an average combination of all frames and shows the movement of the asteroid over the 2.8 hours of the data capture activity.
An interesting diversion I think you will agree
Clear skies,