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Old 06-04-2010, 06:06 PM
astrospotter (Mark)
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Observation Report - 16 March 2010 - Part 1

Here is the 3rd night at Arkaroola for this Northern Guy, soaking it all in.
This needs to be in 2 parts due to 12000 limit and I was 'rather busy'.

This night the goals were to finish up my planned SMC observations and then to track down specific targets with telrad only find and make detailed observations. The specific targets were from Southern Sky Astronomical League list, Caldwell list, and Bambos great list. many objects overlap.

PART 1: Finish up SMC planned targets (and found a few strays as well)

Arkaroola Tue 16Mar2010 Observations from 9:30pm till 3:50am. 21.5 Mag/ArcSec2

Observers: Mark Johnston, solo trip.
Arkaroola Location: 139 20 East, 30 18 South

Started with 85% cloud cover and more then cleaned up 10:30pm. Seemed to always be slightly off transparency much of the night.
This night was a night to catch up on mostly Southern Sky Astronomical League list and Caldwells and revisit the SMC to pick up the other objects I had not got round to on 1st night.

Date: 3/16/2010 Site: Arkaroola Scope: 12DobF5 Obs: ??
NELM: 6.5 see: 5 trans: 4 sqm: 21.5

Some cluster very low between clouds ...
16mmNag 10' size Bright FStar NW side (lower right). This object was 5deg off horizon and 50 degrees off of alignment of Sprigg observatory. Row of 3 stars. Bright carbon upper right, 2 stars down 45deg down to left in middle. Far top is bright star. Eifel tower down and to right. 50 2nd tier stars. 150 stars max.

NGC 104 con: Tuc cmt1: 47_Tuc:
Glob 4.0 50.0' 11.7 14.1 --- --- BAA 00 24 05.2 -72 04 51
10:30pm 16mmNag < 25' obvious size. Central brightest core section 1.5' size. Gets thinned out with resolvable stars with ever gradual fade off.

10:34pm 9mmNag 17' obvious size. Super super concentrated. Very gradual fading off of stars while being highly resolvable outside of core area. Central brightest core section seems to still show individual stars. Central core of highest density is just under 1' dia.

con: Tuc cmt: SMC:

NGC 411
Open 1.0x 1.0' --- --- NGC 01 07 55.6 -71 46 00
10:30pm 16mmNag 95x Tiny but apparently round object.

IC 1641
Open 0.5x 0.5' --- --- NGC 01 09 25.1 -71 45 58
10:30pm 16mmNag 95x Averted vision revieled this object.

NGC 416 Kron 59 Lind 83
Open 12.6 1.2' 985 15.3 BAA 01 07 59.0 -72 21 19
10:34pm 16mmNag 95x tiny and looks much like 411 in brightness and size.

NGC 419 Kron 58 Lind 85 lst: SSAL
Open 11.2 2.4' 1762 15.4 BAA 01 08 19.5 -72 53 02
10:35pm 16mmNag 95x Small 1' size about twice the size of 416 and brighter.

NGC 376
Open 10.9 1.0x 1.0' 470 12.8 NGC 01 03 54.2 -72 49 33
10:37pm 16mmNag 95x Tiny, round. Clearly brighter than 416 but slightly smaller than 416 and concentrated.

NGC 456 Lind 94
Open 2.0' --- --- n BAA 01 13 43.9 -73 17 35
10:40pm 16mmNag 95x 2.5' size averted. No filter but nebulosity shows well

NGC 460
Open 12.5 0.7x 0.7' --- --- BAA 01 14 41.9 -73 18 23
10:41pm 16mmNag 95x Smaller than 456 and condensed. Separated from 456.

MysteryObject I described a small nebulous region around a bright star that lies just SE of 460 to be Ngc465 but in fact that is some other object as 465 is a larger OC just to it's E.

IC1662 not difinitive sighting, just felt I saw it.

NGC 346 Lind 60 lst: SSAL
Open 10.3 5.2' --- --- n BAA 00 59 06.0 -72 11 00
10:45pm 9mmNag 170x Looks amazing in 9mm Nagler

IC 1611
Open 12.0 0.8x 0.8' 336 14.7 NGC 00 59 48.6 -72 20 02
10:45pm 9mmNag 170x Tiny object and of similar mag to IC 1612

IC 1612
Open 12.5 1.3x 1.3' 104 14.4 NGC 01 00 00.4 -72 22 13
10:45pm 9mmNag 170x Tiny object and of similar mag to IC 1611. A smaller object that may just be asterysm may be just E of IC1612 same spacing as to IC 1611

MysteryObject: 30' from 330 towards 261 is the 'bottom' of a cross of 4 objects with no label. Then off of this box or cross with sides about 6' in len if we extend the cross bar towards 419 is a dimmer object spaced just a bit less than this box's edges. Each appears tiny and fuzzy with the one most NW a bit larger than the others.

NGC 261
Open 13.4 0.4' 16 13.9 BAA 00 46 33.0 -73 05 55
10:50pm 9mmNag 170x 1' size. Nebulous with a star in the center resolving

NGC 249
BrtN 1.3' E SKY 00 45 35.2 -73 04 56
10:50pm 9mmNag 170x 1' size. Nebulous area but no apparent stars resolving like 261

BrtN 1.3' E SKY 00 48 52.5 -73 07 46
10:53pm 9mmNag 170x 1' size. Nebulous area but I have no name for this. On same line as 249 to 261 go twice that distance to find this nebulous patch of similar size to 249. Barely detectible direct but clearly obvious averted.

NGC 290
Open 12.0 0.5x 0.5' 228 13.8 NGC 00 51 14.9 -73 09 40
10:54pm 9mmNag 170x Tiny Visible direct but very obvious averted as tiny round object similar to cluster. May have a central star that makes it appear stellar.

Open 13.x 0.8' 410 16.1 BAA 00 51 41.8 -73 13 40
10:55pm 9mmNag 170x Tiny object like a cluster. Non stellar. Averted 100% but blots out with direct. This is 1/4 of way on a line between 290 and 294

NGC 294 Lind 47
Open 12.7 0.8' 410 16.1 BAA 00 53 05.6 -73 22 49
10:57pm 9mmNag 170x Cluster of lower magnitude than 290 and not very stellar core like 290 was. Similar size.

NGC 267
C+N 1.2' NGC 00 48 02.1 -73 16 30
11:00pm 9mmNag 170x 3' size and slight 2.5EL EW

NGC 248
Open 13.6 0.8' 20 14.8 BAA 00 45 24.1 -73 22 44
11:00pm 9mmNag 170x Much smaller than 267 but similar mag and size to 265. Visible direct.

NGC 265 Kron 24 Lind 34
Open 12.2 1.0' 301 15.0 BAA 00 47 11.6 -73 28 38
11:00pm 9mmNag 170x Much smaller than 267 but similar mag and size to 248. Visible direct.

NGC 256 Kron 23 Lind 30
Open 12.7 0.6' 142 14.7 BAA 00 45 54.4 -73 30 24
11:00pm 9mmNag 170x Smaller and dimmer than 265, barely visible direct. 256 is slightly brighter than 269 but of a similar size as 269.

NGC 269 Kron 26 Lind 37
Open 13.3 0.6' 218 15.2 BAA 00 48 21.3 -73 31 49
11:00pm 9mmNag 170x Smaller and dimmer than 265, barely visible direct. 269 is slightly dimmer than 256 but of a similar size as 256.

NGC 231
Open 12.0 1.2x 1.2' 131 15.0 NGC 00 41 06.5 -73 21 02
11:10pm 9mmNag 170x Tiny and averted only. In a short line with 222 then 220.

NGC 222
Open 11.0 0.5x 0.5' 128 15.3 NGC 00 40 44.5 -73 23 03
11:10pm 9mmNag 170x Tiny but visible direct. Center of a line of 3 clusters with 231 and 220 on either side.

NGC 220
Open 11.0 0.8x 0.8' 256 14.8 NGC 00 40 31.0 -73 24 12
11:10pm 9mmNag 170x Small but visible direct and little larger than other 2 in this line. Most West of a line of 3 clusters with 231 and 222 to the East.

NGC 176
Open 12.0 0.6x 0.6' --- --- NGC 00 35 58.5 -73 09 57
11:15pm 9mmNag 170x Tiny and just visible direct, perhaps from FStar to it's SW.

NGC 152 Kron 10 Lind 15
Open 1.7' --- --- BAA 00 32 55.5 -73 06 59
11:15pm 9mmNag 170x 1.5' size and visible direct. Diffuse and large as SMC objects go. No resolved stars detected.

Now a few objects to shorten second Part of the OR

NGC 2442 NGC 2443 ESO 59-8 IRAS 7367-6924 PGC 21373 con: Vol cmt: .
Glxy 11.2b 6.6x 5.4' 95 SAB(s)bc pec RC3 07 36 17.7 -69 32 16
11:25pm 7mmNag 220x 6' main body 30dPA SCore Arms seem clockwise. A strong arm averted with potential knot in that arm comes out of bottom [north]. On the top [South] averted shows a broad fan of the glow going off to the right [East]. South arm does not have as strong as a feel as an arm.

con: Cen cmt1: RunningChickenNebula: lst: C100
IC 2948 RCW 62
BrtN 66.0x42.0' R UNK 11 38 19.0 -63 18 00
11:40pm 35mmPan 44x NPB_Filter. 45' len Cluster within it has a grouping of 5 stars on the edge of one broad nebulous region and an equilateral triangle of bright stars of about the same dimension. I go on to attempt to describe this area but it is a complex description and my only take-away is that I saw two fairly broad main areas of nebuloscity. I think my idea of West was off by as much as 90 degrees which adds to difficulty of interpriting description.

con: Cru cmt1: CoalSack: lst: C99
CoalSack 1 Around the center of the large area
Star 9.17 0.0.436 --- TYC 12 54 00.9 -61 46 17
11:50pm 15x60Bino 15x A series of very large areas that blot out most of the background stars but tend to not really blot out all the stars except in two small areas. To me the most obvious and darkest of the spots was an area just shy of 1 degree south-east of alpha Crux on the other side of 2 fairly bright stars in a 45dPA line. That area is about a degree of very dark zone slight elongated at around 45 dPA. Moving North to what is typically called the coal sack we see main circular area just S of jewel box about 3 degrees by 2 degrees N. Overall in the binoculars I make out a capitol A letter with top of the very long 4 degree A to the west. From the most eastern beta Crux going past Jewel box an equal distance farther you hit the north most fat bottom part of this leg of this giant A and here too the darkness is about as profound as the area SE of Alpha Crux. There is the feeling of a gap in the black on the East that is the bottom of the 'A' and to the west of that is a dark bridge (the center 'horizontal' stroke of the 'A' then assorted stars showing up to form the hole in the top of the A which is ill defined. The second tall right side of the 'A' is not quite as defined as northern tall left side of the A. This leg is AGAIN separated with a thin EW long area where stars shine through a bit till we hit a third very long mostly ES dark section with the extremely deep darkness on the W end close to Alpha Crux.

NGC 6101 con: Aps lst: SSAL,C107
Glob 9.2 5.0' 13.5 16.6 --- --- BAA 16 25 48.6 -72 12 06
11:57pm 7mmNag 220x 4' size Low concentration. Averted appears to yeild some resolution. Transparency only 3 just now as it is low, will try later.
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