Warren it could possibly be a driver issue OR, the HDMI to DVI adapter. I've had less than ideal results trying to do that and now only buy good brand adapters and pay a little more.
I'd still check the driver and settings first.
With Windows 10 I have no idea where the settings are for graphics, as of Windows 8, I'm useless.
Latest drivers for the card
Sorry, didn't see that, do you have another adapter to try out?
Meanwhile I'll search to see if running the two different standards as output from one graphics card can cause the issues.
I don't know if these links may point you in the right direction (other people's issues):
And this one (different card):
Are you running HDMI output to DVI or display port to DVI?
what I read shows the 3070 with one HDMI output and a few display port outputs. Running screens at different resolutions can cause issues.
Sorry, beyond that I'm useless, I find computer issues are a "how long is a piece of string" question unless I'm right in front of the machine (and I've been asked some weird questions over the phone by friends back when I could remember all of this stuff (cert III in IT 17 years ago, wow, that time went fast......))