For my light weight system I needed some smaller balance weights. But not so easy to find low weight weights.
I had an engineer friend turn a couple of decent things up out of aluminium for me, he did it for the price of the materials (actually he did it free but I insisted I at least pay him for the aluminium). It's also quite easy to calculate weight if you know the grade of the aluminum from total area (or an online calculator most likely).
I also had him turn a 1 inch wide groove in the rollers and in conjunction with hardened steel pins they allow me to do 90 degree bends in 25 x 25 x 3mm square hollow section steel with a home made jig in my 12 tonne press (bending jig was the primary use but they double as mount weights too).
Another light weight weight I use on the front of my RC8 I made by cutting the iron crankshaft balancer weight off an old, dead Briggs and Stratton ride on mower engine (12HP) bolted to a Vixen clamp to slide over my dovetail. I ground and weighed the unit as I went to get the weight I desired and I can slide it along the Vixen dovetail as required.