Nice one Brendan, an interesting comparison between its position over 2 nights. The surprise is that you got 2 clear nights in a row
I had a go at capturing this comet last night. It was quite close to a waxing Gibbous moon and on top of that I live under a Bortle 6 sky. I relied on the GOTO of the Heq5 to find it, no chance with even binoculars under those conditions. It's looking like it could be a worthy target to chase over the next few months. I'm not waiting until it's supposed to be at it's brightest, like I did with Pons-Brooks, which will put it right in the glare of the sun.
It's quite high in the sky now, which for me is more important than being brighter closer to the horizon in all the mist, sunglare and smog. My shot was a stack of 30 x 6 secs @ 3200iso using a Canon 550d on a 6inch f5 newtonian.