I have been doing some basic DSLR AP and admiring the fantastic skies we are blessed with here in Auz (WA).
I have decided that i would like to invest in a descent scope & mount and am looking for any recommendations.
I am interested in general observing of the solar system and deep space objects and would like to move on to AP down the line.
I started off looking at Celestron SCT's, (9.25 & 11) seem easy to use and maintain and reasonable bang for their buck.
However after further research started looking at Refractors such as Skywatcher Esprit 120 ED PRO Triplet (or the 150ED at a push) because with my photography i really appreciate good quality optics.
But then saw Sky-Watcher Quattro 250 CF - Newtonian and looks like a lot of aperture for the price!
And now i am totally confused
, and i have researched my self to a stand still reading reviews etc..
The tripod & mounts i have been considering are the Celestron VX or CGEM in a kit if i go the Celestron SCT route, or a Sky watcher NEQ6 Pro or AZ EQ6-GT if i buy a separate OTA.
Any comments or advice from you experience would be highly valued.