Vintage 97 12" LX200 version 4.32. Meade superwedge. 2" Diagonal. GFT shortened 12". Customized Superwedge. Orion Dewshield. Kendrick straps for Corrector, EP's and Finder. Now I need one for the Guidescope. Speaking of....90MM Meade F/11 that will be running a ToUCam SC1 w Guidedog. Canon Digital Rebel with IR Filter removed. All controlled aby a Dell 2.8 P4 Laptop with 1 gig ram, Mobile 9700Pro and WINXPPro running Cartes du Ciel, GuideDog, DSLR Focus and MaximDL Ver. 4
ARAGORN.....thanks a lot for the advice !!! you've just sparked an idea in my head !!!!!....I've just finished making 1 of the 2 dust covers for my 12" GSO, and now I know EXACTLY how I'm gonna make a dewcap/ stray light blocker !!!!!....I'll just use cardboard and line the inside of it with felt or that black stuff with adhesive backing that's available at WAL-MART !!!!...THANK-YOU VERY MUCH FOR THE INSPIRATION !!!!!!'s a pic of 1 of my completed dust caps...
Ok here's the rig outside now. I saw comet Machholz, and fit the entire Pleiades into the field of my new 32mm Antares ...what a huge field size !!!
I've still got to sort out my observing discipline ... I've got a few too many cables to trip over when I've set everything up..(ToUcam, DSC, Focuser, scope fine pointing, power) ...
This was me as a younger fella (bald old fart now) finishing off polishing the 16" mirror. I ground all the mirrors in the above telescopes and a few more besides.
Meade LX200 Classic on Milburn wedge. Losmandy dovetail system with 3-axis camera mount. Olympus OM-1 camera body with 200mm f4 Zuiko telephoto. JMI NGF-S focuser. TeleVue Everbrite diagonal.
Here is my major rig (as of about 2 months ago) - see attached picture
Its a 12.5" F6 truss dob. It has a NGF DX2 focuser, Discovery secondary and as far as I know it's a Meade primary. The scope is home built by a boat builder at the Gold Coast, so the mirror and rocker boxes are very solid (marine ply), and it is a solid scope all over.
I was searching for reviews on the 42mm GSO Superview when I arrived here and read Mark Hodson's review. Thought I would join.
Thanks for the welcome!!
Last edited by rumples riot; 12-04-2005 at 12:37 PM.
Here is another piccy showing the mirror box & mirror. As you can see, there is a heap of room in the mirror box and I could probably easily accomodate a 14.5" at a shorter focal ratio
If you want some more photos of particular details I can get to it this weekend and pass them on
wow those new scope pics are a wonderful addition to this post!!!...I wish that MY focuser was on the right side just like astro south's. My old 12.5 inch had the focuser on the right side and I was very used to working with the scope that way. My new scope however, has the focuser on the left side, ( which is ok because I am used to using it this way ). Here's the newest shot of my scope with the light shield on the end....cheers and clear skies to all.