This little galaxy in Lupus is not often imaged. It lies about 40 Mly to 60Mly away - depending on who you consult....
It is a Seyfert galaxy type Sac, with an active galactic nucleus.
It is about 45kly across, and is listed as MagV 13.6, and MagB 11.6, with a surface brightness of 23Mag/sq arcsec.
This image was shot from Mt Macedon over 2 nights in seeing conditions which varied from poor (2.8") to atrocious (8" !!!!!). I managed to keep a total of 5hours LRGB with a cut-off 4.8"
Rather than throw the whole lot out, I took to the data with a little help from BXT.......
FOV is 13' x 16'; Officina RiDK 300; Moravian C1X 61000 at analog gain 3.