Saturn at opposition
A wonderfully clear day and evening here yesterday. I am inspired to post a report, something I have not done for a while.
Rolled out my 140mm refractor to get a view of Saturn right on Opposition. At about 10.30 pm, the sky had settled and the views were stunningly sharp.
The disk was sharp with clear surface bands and the rings were their splendid best. The Cassini Division was well defined and as expected there was no shadow cast on the rings by Saturn.
Six moons were clearly visible; Titan was out wide with Tethys and Dione close together, on the same side as Titan, just off the tip of the rings. Rhea and Enceladus were similarly positioned off the tip of the rings on the opposite side. Enceladus was a real challenge - it was blinking in and out of visibility. Iapetus was clearly visible out very wide past Rhea and Enceladus. The six moons and Saturn were broadly in line.
An excellent observation session to be stored in the memory banks.
Swung past the Moon, which was almost exactly overhead, and was enthralled by the totally steady, razor sharp views. Concentrated on Cassendi, Herodotus and Aristarchus and the Sinus Iridium area.
Vixen NA140SS and LVW eyepieces.