Not much to report. Sagittarius.
So l did some observing last night from around 8pm to 9:30pm. Not a long session but l had everything l own, astronomically speaking, set up in a dark corner of the yard, away from any stray house lights.
I had an excellent view of the sky fron the SE through to SW, and to the west from just below Sagitarius and it's amazing nebulas and star clustersall the way up.
I viewed all this region a few nights ago, without knowing what l was looking at apart from the list in the Syncsan app, when the conditions were superb and was blown away at the clarity of the nebulosity, the star formations and clusters were even more beautiful.
Last night, after browsing Stellarium first, l was let down due to the change in conditions. A few whispy clouds about but not enough to worry about or stop me from observing a particular region.
Just no detail in any nebulosity, in fact l could hardly see any.
The stars looked dull and uninteresting, like they had a hangover from the partying the other night when l saw saw them "going off!"
The 127mm 1200FL achro didn't prove much better, it had aperture over the ED72mm , but no GOTO capability. It did provide an ok view of Jupiter at 240x.
Didn't help that l was dog tired and been awake from 3am, nor the unexpected late dinner guest.
Can't have it good all the time, happy l got some observing g in, looking at the news you east coasters have got less than optimal conditions.
I can see an EQ6 or bigger mount in the next year or two for my AR127.
Clear skies.
Oh, those bloody star link satelites, glad l wasn't taking photos.