This was my first try at shooting DSO. Obvious target was of course was M42 The Great Orion Nebula.
This was basically my first time shooting with the Star Adventurer properly, took my Wedge and ball head adapter out of the box on location, so needless to say I had no experience with setting up and shooting long exposures of such distant objects. My polar alignment was off a little, but surprisingly the best I have achieved since purchasing the Star Adventurer, attempts since have been between 15%-30% out.
This was shot with a Canon 6D, an archaic (will not be using for this again) Canon EF 100-300 4.5 - 5.6.
86x Lights, 0x Darks (couldn't locate lens cap), No Bias, No Flats (still pretty unsure as to how to do them).
60sec exposures, ISO 250, FL: 300mm f/5.6
Still kind of proud of what I was able to capture, but the aberration and the poor allignment really ruin it's potential. I think I will sacrifice the 300mm for the 200mm so I can shoot through better faster glass.
Any advice is always appreciated.