Decided to attempt to astro mod my old Canon 40D, just removing the LPF-2 filter. Now this will be used with both my telescopes & camera lenses so I'm looking for suggestions for the best clip filter to get that can work with both - an L-Pro, a CLS-CDD or something else - for someone on a budget?
Generally it will used in bortle 5 or better skies, don't have to drive too far to get to bortle 2 or 3 skies. Mostly capture nebula with the occasion star cluster or galaxy.
I found with my mod (FULL full spectral mod - both filters removed.) that I needed a clip in filter to allow standard camera lenses to come to infinity focus.
I went for an Astronomik clear filter.
Works for me.
As I understand I will likely need an UV/IR blocking filter, light pollution isn't a real issue for me so at this stage I don't think a CLS type filter would be needed. Looking at perhaps an Astronomik L-2 UV+IR Blocking Luminance Filter. Can't seem to find them in Oz so may have to get one elsewhere...
Thanks Ken, your advice is appreciated. The LPF-1 looks like it lets the Ha through well - any issue on the UV end I should be aware of? I'll try to track down a clear clip filter but like most they seem scarce in Oz right now.
The UV cut off is close to the 400nm - no issues there.
Remember you only need a clip in filter if you intend to use standard camera lenses at infinity, with a telescope, you're good to go.
With nothing but clouds & rain over the next week or so I've decided it's time to bite the bullet & possibly kill my old 40D. Now if I follow this guide from Life Pixel to remove the filter shown (but not replace it with anything), I should be right?
I'm not *TOO* worried if I screw it up as I have my 70D to fall back on & I'll just hold off & get a dedicated camera, but want to double check before I begin.
there are other tutorials on the web, basically saying the same thing - watch for dust and faulty connections.
The third last image showing the physical removal of the blue filter - the filter it's said usually breaks!
The attached images show the anti dust/shake front filter I also had removed to extend the spectroscope wavelength coverage.
I just put a baader UV/IR cut filter in my 450D (previously had no filter in there). It didn't work when I put it back together. Just retrace your steps and check all the connectors have been pushed all the way in. I found one of the connectors was not pushed in far enough - that was enough to stop it from working. On dslrmodifications, there are also some videos - I found themuseful with a few of the connectors. Wasn't sure whether they were clip or just push-in connectors.