Here's one taken today which we're using on the Macarthur Astronomical Society website to promote our up-coming "m a g n i t u d e" event at the Campbelltown Art Centre October 4th-9th. Speakers on the final Saturday will be David Reneke and David Malin. Images on the wall are from fellow MAS member, Humayun Qureshi "Octane", and will be shown amongst nearly sixty others as well as 45 original Voyager 2 photographs from the Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL) in California.
Well, it seems I have no recent photos that aren't completely ridiculous, so here's a completely ridiculous one. I thought better of the picture of me doing ironing, it's a tad risque
Meade 16" LX200GPS (Grab 'n Stay put)
Meade 14" LX200R (Grab 'n get a hernia)
16"f5 Newtonian with GSO optics (Fold 'n go)
Celestron 9.25" SCT (Grab 'n go)