Haha.. All my gear photos seem to be taken in such a way that it looks like there is something random hanging off my equipment!
Dont let that fool you though, There is a 1kg G-Clamp attached to the front of the RC to balance it in declination! hahah.. Its all I had lying around at the time although it works like a charm!
The Tak bug has bitten again. I've just received a mid-80's (I believe) MT-160 newtonian from Lars Hansen. I think that this one has been through at least a couple of people here on IIS before making it into my care.
It's the older type with the single clamshell and Tak green in colour with grey fittings rather than the Tak white with green fittings of the newer examples. For its age, it's in good condition, with the mirror being cleaner than many new scopes I've seen lately. Native focuser size is 1.25", but I'm trying to figure out a way to fit a 2" adapter so that I can use my AstroSystems barlowed laser collimator. Looks like it's in pretty good collimation at the moment so maybe I'll get the old Cheshire out if I can find it. The focuser incorporates a Tak-typical rotating camera angle adjuster as standard. Beautiful!
This line of telescopes (MT-130, 160 & 200) aren't made any more, and are reputed to have been some of the best examples of newtonian optics ever produced. They are meant to give many top-end APOs a run for their money both visually and photographically.
I plan to run this one side-by-side with my FS-102 on the G11 with the FS60-C guiding for both. I'll run the SBIG on one, and the DSLR on the other - swapping from time to time. Should be great fun.
Thanks Lars - I appreciate you letting this one go.
Effective aperture 160mm
Focal length (prime focus) 1000mm
Focal ratio (prime focus) 6.1
Focal length (with corrector) 1330mm
Focal ratio (with corrector) 8.3
Focal length (with reducer) 776mm
Focal ratio (with reducer) 4.8
Resolving power 0.7"
Light gathering power 522
Limiting magnitude 12.8
Image circle (with corrector) ø36mm
Photographic field (with corrector) 1.5°
Image circle (with reducer) ø36mm
Photographic field (with reducer) 2.7°
Finder scope 7 x 50 6.3°
Total length of main tube 895mm
Diameter of main tube 204mm
Gross wt. of main tube assembly 8.3kg
Its been a long time between frames for me as I have sold my FLT-132 in exchange for a widefield scope (FSQ-106N).
In addition I have now transitioned from DSLR to CCD imaging with a STL-11K.
Here are some pix of my latest setup which includes the following:
EQ6 + EQMOD control
STL-11K Mono CCD
Ha, LRGB Baader filters
MMOAG for off axis guidingwhen using Narrowband
TGM-1 with 500mm f/8 Tamron lens for guiding with DMK USB mono CCD
Robofocus (Electronic Focus Control)
TAKometer (CCD Rotation)
FIT-PC2 (Mini computer that controls the lot)
Adelaide weather has been pretty average lately and hardly any clear nights, so no opportunities to give it a go yet. First light still to happen.