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Old 23-11-2010, 09:07 AM
SteveG (Steve)
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Observation Report w/76cm Nov 2010 (part III-LMC)

NGC 1760 = LHA 120-N11F
04 56 44 -66 31.6
This is a 1.7' E-W string of a half-dozen stars over fairly bright nebulosity. The emission haze is brightest just S of the string and extending to the W of the string a couple of arc minutes. Irregular nebulosity also branches out to the S of the string for another 2' and involves a mag 12 star. Another 2' string of N-S stars is on the W side of the haze. N1760 is at the SW end of a stunning complex (LHA 120-N11) of clusters and nebulosity including N1763 centered 7' NE; N1761, a larger cluster and nebulosity just 3' N; N1769, a bright emission nebula 8' NE; along with N1773, N1776 and IC 2115.

NGC 1761
04 56 38 -66 28.7
Size 4.2'x3.0'
Bright, large cluster sandwiched between the showpiece Bean Nebula (N1763) to the N and N1760 to the S. There are roughly 80 stars mag 11-16 in a 3.5' irregularly shaped group over some background haze. The stars are fairly even distributed except for a detached 1.3' group of 10-12 stars off the NW side. Including this detached section, the overall size is 5'x3.5'. A close bright double star (probably h3716 = 10.2/10.9 at 5") is on the NW side of the main group.

Bean Nebula = NGC 1763 = LHA 120-N11B
04 56 49 -66 24.6
Size 5'x3'
The Bean Nebula complex (LHA 120-N11) is the 2nd largest stellar nursery in the LMC after the Tarantula Nebula. N1763 sits near the center of a stunning field of emission nebulae and clusters including N1760 7' S, N1761 3' S, N1769 6.5' SE, N1773 8' ENE and N1776 11' E. N1763 is a very bright, very large irregular nebula, shaped like a kidney bean or a fetus. The main body extends 5'x3', elongated SW-NE with a bulbous portion on the NE wide and an indentation (weaker nebulosity) on the south side. Overall the surface brightness is very high, though uneven, and much fainter haze and filaments flow out from the Bean in most directions. Within the main body, the nebula is brightest in a loop on the SW side and secondly in a section on the NE side. Superimposed on the nebula is a cluster with roughly 25 stars resolved including a number of 12-13th magnitude stars. On the NE end is an E-W string of 3 stars along with IC 2116, a bright, high surface brightness knot, ~15" diameter. The surrounding field is rich in stars between the individual objects with some individual locally brighter knots of nebulosity.

IC 2116 = LHA 120-N11A
04 57 16.3 -66 23 21
Size 0.6'
Bright, high surface brightness knot, ~15" diameter at the NE edge of the Bean Nebula (N1763), roughly 3' NE of the center and certainly part of the same complex. Very faint haze at the edge of N1763 appears to extend from IC 2116. IC 2115 appears to be a mag 11 star, just 0.8' W.

NGC 1769 = LHA 120-N11C
04 57 45 -66 27.8
Size 2'
Bright, large oval nebula SW-NE, roughly 3'x2'. There are 3 or 4 stars in the center with the brightest mag 12. A small, bright knot is on the south side, just 1' S of the mag 12 star. Roughly centered within the complex with N1763 just 6.5' NW, N1761 6' WSW, N1776 6' NE, N1760 8' SW and N1773 7' NNE.

NGC 1773 = LHA 120-N11E
04 58 11 -66 21.6
Fairly large, bright glow, oval 3:2, 2.2'x1.5'. On first glance, two brighter stars are offset SW of the geometric center and separated by 15", but on closer inspection the more central star resolves into a very close double. In additional a couple of fainter stars are superimposed on the N side of the glow. The nebulosity is slightly irregular in surface brightness and brighter along the rim, particularly on the SW side. This emission nebula is located at the NE end of the Bean Nebula complex.

NGC 1776
04 58 40 -66 25.8
Size 1.1'
Located on the east side of the Bean Nebula complex, this cluster is moderately bright, fairly small. Well concentrated with a small bright core surrounded by a 50" halo. A couple of extremely faint stars are just visible in the halo. Located 5' SE of emission nebula N1773, 6' ENE of emission nebula N1769 and 2.7' NE of a mag 10.8 star.

The following field include LHA 120-N51 and 120-N57. This field is packed a number of nebulous clusters, resolved star clusters, high surface brightness knots and a fascinating annular emission nebula.

NGC 1955
05 26 10 -67 29.9
Size 1.8'
This cluster and emission nebula is near the western end of a beautiful curved chain of bright clusters involved with prominent nebulosity that extends 17' WSW to ENE and includes N1966 and N1974 to the NE and a group of stars and haze (S-L 456) 4' W of N1955. N1955 resolved into 40 stars in a 4' region including a half-dozen mag 11.5-12.5 stars in a 3' gently curving arc elongated E-W. The cluster is immersed in a large, irregular haze that is brightest on the eastern side in a 30" circular glow. This is a locally brighter portion of a large irregular loop bowed out to the E and extending N-S for 6'-7' to a mag 9.5 star 3.5' S of the cluster. A fainter group of stars and haze lies 4' W (S-L 456 within association LH 51) and the DSS reveals both halves form an 8' bubble (Henize N51D) like a Wolf-Rayet shell or supernova remnant.

NGC 1968 = LHA 120-N51C
05 27 39.7 -67 27.8
Second in a great chain of clusters involved in extensive nebulosity oriented SW to NE. The cluster is bright and very elongated 3'x1' E-W with ~20 stars including a number of mag 12-13 stars. The cluster is surrounded by nebulosity (Henize N51C) that brightens on the E end in a large, round knot and extends beyond the cluster on the south side for several arc minutes in the direction of N1955 to the W. N1968 is connected to N1974, another nebulous cluster 3' NE and N1955 lies 8' WSW.

NGC 1974 = LHA 120-N51A
05 28 00 -67 25.4
Size 1.7'
Fourth in a great looping chain of clusters and nebulosity including NGC 1955 and NGC 1968 to the SW. This group is virtually attached to NGC 1968, only distinguished by less nebulosity and stars. There are roughly 35 stars resolved in a 3' circular group including a number of mag 12-13 stars. The cluster is involved in fairly bright nebulous haze (Henize N51A).

NGC 2004
05 30 40 -67 17.2
V = 9.6; Size 2.7'
This bright, superb cluster contains a small, brilliant core and a highly resolved 3' halo that is packed with 50 stars. The surrounding field is quite rich in both faint and brighter mag 11-12 stars. The N1955/1968/1974 complex lies ~20' SW.

NGC 2011
05 32 19.8 -67 31 17
V = 10.6; Size 1.0'
Very bright, tight intense knot of four stars (a couple are quite bright) enveloped in a 1.5' triangular glow with a few additional stars resolved within the boundaries of the emission nebula. A 3' line of brighter stars oriented E-W passes through the south end of the glow. The surrounding fields include a number of fascinating objects with a cluster and star cloud ~6' E (S-L 567), a bright, compact cluster/nebula 8' NE (N2021), a large bright cluster/nebula 10' S (N2014), a large ring-shaped emission nebula (N2020) 12' SSE and the Seagull Nebula complex (N2030/2032/2035) 17' E.

NGC 2014 = LHA 120-N57A
05 32 20 -67 41.4
Size 1.8'
Very bright, large cluster with nebulosity, ~50 stars resolved in a 5' region (no distinct boundary on the north side), including many in a 2' string, elongated N-S. A mag 10 star (brightest in the cluster) is at the south end of this string. A portion of the cluster is immersed in nebulosity (Henize N57A), most prominently on the SE side of the cluster. Irregular haze (roughly elongated SW-NE) extends out of the cluster for a couple of arc minutes on the east side, spreading south and north. Forms an interesting contrast with emission nebula N2020 5' ESE.

NGC 2020 = LHA 120-N57C
05 33 13 -67 43.0
Fairly bright, roundish annular emission nebula, slightly elongated SW-NE, 3'x2.5'. The inner edge of the annulus is slightly brighter and sharply defined with a relatively large dark center, ~45" x30". North of center in the ring is a 13th magnitude star, which appears roughly centered in the emission nebula. A 12th magnitude star lies 1.3' S of the central star, at the southern edge of the nebula. Two fainter stars are just north and south of the mag 12 star and the trio is collinear with the central star. Forms a striking due with N2014 (cluster and emission nebula) 5' WNW.

S-L 567
05 33 18.1 -67 31 20
Extending mostly south of N2021 is a very elongated stream of stars, 5'x1', including a mix of brighter and fainter stars (this is the association Lindsay-Hodge 78). The densest concentration is a 2' group (S-L 567) on the south end with a number of mag 12-14 stars. Roughly a total of 50-60 stars were resolved.

NGC 2021
05 33 30.3 -67 27 11
Size 0.9'
Bright, compact knot surrounding two resolved stars, slightly elongated, ~20"x15". This knot is in the northern end of a very large, elongated cluster or star cloud (S-L 567). Extending mostly south of N2021 is a very elongated stream of stars, 5'x1', including a mix of brighter and fainter stars (association LH 78). The densest concentration is a 2' group (S-L 567) on the south end with a number of mag 12-14 stars. Roughly a total of 50-60 stars were resolved. The Seagull Nebula complex (N2030, 2032, 2035) lies 12' SE.

Just east of the objects described above is the magnificent Seagull Nebula (LHA 120-N59), which I also observed with a 24-inch on my last trip to Australia. Because I had taken detailed notes previously, I decided to just soak in and marvel at the view of this fascinating object. I'm including these notes as this object is one of my favorites.

KMHK 1098
05 34 41.3 -67 30 14
Size 0.9'
Before viewing the Seagull Nebula (N2029-32-35-40), I picked up this very small, moderately bright knot adjacent to a mag 13 star. Without a filter this object has a bright, quasi-stellar core. Adding a UHC filter increased the size to 20", so there appears to be an emission component. Located 2.5' SW of mag 9.3 HD 269804 and 6' NW of the Seagull Nebula.

NGC 2030
05 35 00.5 -67 33 18
This is the NW component of the Seagull Nebula; a bright, highly structured 7'x5' emission nebula. The brightest portion of N2030 is a bright streak elongated E-W that extends west from mag 12.3 HD 269810. A large mass of nebulosity spreads to the north from this streak in a more circular 2' patch. This object is incorrectly identified as N2029 in modern catalogues and atlases.

NGC 2032
05 35 20.6 -67 34 06
This is possibly the brightest section of the Seagull Nebula. It consists of a very bright, elongated ~SSW-NNE patch, 2'x1', with an unusual kidney-bean shape than is indented or concave on the east side. N2032 is just separated to N2035 by an elongated SSW-NNE on the east side. A faint, thin streamer of nebulosity shoots to the north from N2032. Mag 11.4 HD 269808 is off the SW side.

NGC 2035
05 35 33 -67 35.1
This is the southeast section of th Seagull Nebula. At 200x using a UHC filter it appeared very bright, moderately large, with a very irregular shape similar to an anvil. The very knotty, complex structure was elongated N-S, 1.6'x1.0', with the widest part of the anvil on the south end. N2032, another very bright section, is very close west (roughly 1.6' between centers) and the two sections are separated by a dark lane oriented SSW-NNE. A very faint streamer attached on the NE side flows to the north (N2032 has a similar but brighter streamer). LHA 120-N 59C, a fairly small detached patch, ~1.2' in diameter, is close SE.

NGC 2040
05 36 05 -67 34 01
This is a bright, irregularly round glow, ~2' diameter, located ~4' ENE of the Seagull Nebula and part of the same emission complex. The nebulosity surrounds a cluster of roughly 15 stars. Excellent contrast gain using a UHC filter at 200x which reveals a very irregular outline.
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Old 24-11-2010, 03:08 PM
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Oh my goodness!

Hi Steve,
I have just read all three obs reports of yours and crikey, I'm speechless. What a bag of goodies you grabbed and what a fabulous journey you took me on with that 30"! And what great descriptions. I so thoroughly enjoyed it. Thank you.

Please (!) keep posting your obs reports, I look forward to more - even little simple ones - just post more!

Kind regards,
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Old 25-11-2010, 05:40 AM
SteveG (Steve)
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Thanks for the positive comments, Suzy. Really, for someone whose observed mostly at +38 latitude, any opportunity to see the wonderful southern skies, whether with a 30" or a pair of binoculars is a real treat!

I'll post more obs reports in the future on IIS, particularly if they involve southern targets. I have a long observing report from a previous visit here and there are links near the top for more pages.

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Old 25-11-2010, 09:42 AM
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Lismore Bloke (Paul)
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Hi Steve,

I can only echo the comments Suzy made so well. It was a real treat to read through those reports. It's also great to see an experienced and respected deep sky observer such as yourself posting here.

Your own site and also Mikkel Steine's one (below) are the two main resources I use to check the accuracy (or otherwise) of my own observations.

We do have some sky in common and it would be so good to see some more reports, not just from your visits down under.


Cheers, Paul.
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Old 26-11-2010, 12:39 AM
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michaellxv (Michael)
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Wow Steve, what a report. I'm lost for words. But thankyou for sharing your expertise.
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