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Old 25-05-2024, 12:26 AM
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I am so sick of negative people.

I am sick of people blurting out..all politicians are corrupt and on the same breath declare the Government does not help you.

First as to all politicians being corrupt let is Goggle the data..have a look at the number of politicians ever found guilty of corruption..on the grand scale these knockers would have you believe...many get caught for minor stupid things for sure but find me some impressive major corruption please or withdraw your unsupported claims said knockers...
AND perhaps understand the fundamental reality of politics...if you step out of line, or do someyhing that can be used against you, then the next one down in the pecking order will expose you to get you out of the way on his caree run...

AND just listen to the relative minor reasons a politician will go before the press and resign...can you recall anything really significant?

AND then...what has the Government ever done for you (meaning me)...

Well select from these..provides Social Security for those who need it, provides a wonderful Health care System, passes laws to protect consumers, to protect children, to protect various folk in fact, is ready to go to War to protect our country, administers redistribution of wealth to create a better society and economy, ready to shore up the Economy in a crisis ..for example..the covid crisis required an enormous injection of money and the Govetnment rose to the occasion such that we pulled thru in rather prosperous fashion...

But the knockers being ignorant. uninformed and dishonest never embrace reality preferring to promote baseless conspiracy theories and unsupported supposition...

Stand up to these knockers and call them out for the fools they are determined to be....

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Old 25-05-2024, 07:29 AM
N1 (Mirko)
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Hi Alex, we have it good.

Relatively speaking, of course. Detractors will do what they do, though. I don't consider worrying about them a good use of time.

I know we're not supposed to get political, but functioning democracy and corruption don't go well together. So, as a positive interpretation of the corruption-related criticism, I can offer this: our democracy is under constant threat, let's look after it.
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Old 25-05-2024, 07:49 AM
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Originally Posted by N1 View Post
Hi Alex, we have it good.

Relatively speaking, of course. Detractors will do what they do, though. I don't consider worrying about them a good use of time.

I know we're not supposed to get political, but functioning democracy and corruption don't go well together. So, as a positive interpretation of the corruption-related criticism, I can offer this: our democracy is under constant threat, let's look after it.
Well said...and thanks for your sensible input.

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Old 25-05-2024, 07:56 AM
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It hasn't changed since ancient times, Alex.

Remember the "What have the Romans ever done for us?" scene in The Life of Brian?

I hope that's at least brought a smile to your face.

I'm with you. Locally to me ATM, it is reaction to change - reacting against proposed local windfarms. As an engineer I've had to deal with reaction to change all my working life - from both sides of the fence. The easy first unthinking response is "no", and if you don't recognise reaction to change for what it is and apply some rational effort, the next response is emotionally charged and irrational. The absolute rubbish exaggeration and hyperbole that is being whipped up ATM just amazes me.

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Old 25-05-2024, 09:02 AM
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Hey Al
Thanks re Life of Brian...I just now got my modem working up at the main house...up here now cause they need to keep an eye on me...and I also got these $20 head phones hooked up...so I can watch a movie without annoying them...so mate Life of Brian today....

I notice that there is a movement (multiple) determined to place nonsense in front of folk in a manner to first to cause fear and then to anger them and thereby destroy their ability to reason in any rational manner... the result is they become mindless supporters of the agenda of the manipulators...such is a real and observable phononom...

The main thing that gets to me is the lack of a call for evidence when any claim about/upon anything is made...me..the first thing I ask..where is your evidence...crime rates up? Where are your statistics?

AND it seems speculation is merely nonsense on its way 5i becoming fact...speculation is never fact without evidence in support....

I hope you and yours are are well Al ..keep your attitude and know we will win.

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Old 25-05-2024, 10:19 AM
Leo.G (Leo)
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I'm always grateful for the medical, I'm sure in other parts of the world I'd have been put down long ago or died in the street.
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Old 26-05-2024, 04:20 AM
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AND on the heels of bagging out politicians one close to me is all these ignorant folk who declare that all lawyers are corrupt....happily my experience shows to most opposite to be the case...my father was a lawyer and there was no other man as honest and striving to be the very best he could be..then we can make a list..my best friend and best man at my wedding..so very honest and caring about the rights of others...and all the folk in the profession I had contact with on a daily basis, all the judges ...only one fell to the dark side and stole from his Trust Account....

AND I suppose these negative people do not limit their hate and negativity in the least and probably have no good words for anyone at all...and thinking about one such knocker I recall he seems to have nothing good to say about doctors who are apparently a money grabbing bunch in his narrow opinion.

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Old 26-05-2024, 03:24 PM
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Well...I'll have to call out the bit about Australian Governments "ready to go to war to protect our country"

Australia has a sad history of fealty to US, often not in Australian interests. The ANZUS treaty was created to prevent Australia developing our own nuclear weapons (the foundations of the power reactor to facilitate this still remain in Jarvis Bay) The US simply didn't want anyone else to have nukes that might challenge their hegemony. The agreement was we'd be under a US forces umbrella. With the possibility of a second Trump presidency...humm...just ask the Ukranine how well that worked for them with the Republicans in the last year (yes, Ukraine has a treaty with the US for protection if they gave up their Nukes! )

I just missed the Vietnam draft, a disgraceful intervention and multi-decade economic punishment by the US..while I am not a fan of communism governing for the "greater good" is not all bad. e.g. universal health care and if a state has a change of government....it's their business.

More recently there was the invasion of Iraq.

After falsely accusing Iraq of causing the New York September 11th attacks (the perpetrators were Saudi...can't invade them. Too much oil. ) Iraq apparently had "weapons of mass destruction". Another bald faced lie that Howard reiterated.

Mean while when appalling US conduct has been exposed...think of one Julian Assange...the lack of spine by generations of flaccid Australian politicians to protect our citizens has been breathtaking.

I have absolutely no faith in politicians to protect my interests, particularly if vested interests are involved.

Last edited by Peter Ward; 26-05-2024 at 03:54 PM.
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Old 26-05-2024, 04:08 PM
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Thank you for your very considered input Peter.

My comment at the risk of wild generalisation is the target of my post are folk who probably do not know enough to know establish any facts and deal only with make believe...

I do hope you and yours are doing well.

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Old 26-05-2024, 04:16 PM
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Originally Posted by xelasnave View Post
Thank you for your very considered input Peter.

My comment at the risk of wild generalisation is the target of my post are folk who probably do not know enough to know establish any facts and deal only with make believe...

I do hope you and yours are doing well.

I'm doing OK thanks Alex.

Just to follow up on my comments regarding military interventions....In exchange for Ukraine giving up its Nukes, the U.S. and the U.K. guaranteed Ukraine's security in a 1994 agreement known as the Budapest Memorandum.

When push comes to shove, treaties are just bits of paper after all.
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Old 26-05-2024, 07:08 PM
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Never forget it is only about selling big mac's.

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Old 26-05-2024, 08:18 PM
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Originally Posted by xelasnave View Post
The main thing that gets to me is the lack of a call for evidence when any claim about/upon anything is made...me..the first thing I ask..where is your evidence...crime rates up? Where are your statistics?

You're not wrong there, Alex.

Asking similar questions to yours is one thing that has lost me a lot of stress. When I ask people to name their sources, show me the journals that they quote from, even point to which oracle threw down the bones! They cannot. Their response is to either double-down with extra volume. On a rare occasion, the protagonist will actually have their light bulb flicker to life, whereupon they realise that they have been caught up in the hype, and swept along in the tide of the indignant ignorant.

When I say that it has lost me a lot of stress, I mean that these people are the source of it. When they realise that I'm a critical thinker, whose idea of a social network involves standing, sitting and talking under a million stars in a paddock with other like-minded individuals and families... they generally know that I'm not the easy picking they were hoping for, and leave me the heck alone.

Originally Posted by xelasnave View Post
...declare that all lawyers are corrupt....

Let's also not forget that:

All coppers are dodgy
Teachers are stupid
Truckies are the worst drivers

When the reality is closer to the point that the individual may have had a bad experience with any of these professions, and has made a blanket judgment over the entire fraternity.

I hope that things are on the up and up for you, Alex. In fact, for anyone that has had a rough few hours/days/weeks/months/years.

"Always look on the bright side of life!" - Life of Brian
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Old 26-05-2024, 11:04 PM
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Hi Shane...very nice to hear from you.
I hope you and yours are well.

I.am doing very very well...my attitude can not be hurt and I am stronger than bullet proof...each moment of each day is wonderful and I have no complaint other than my casual condemnation of folk who deny themselves reality and hide in make believe...

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Old 27-05-2024, 11:36 AM
Leo.G (Leo)
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The reality is there's good and bad in every aspect of a life, good cops, bad cops, good lawyers, bad lawyers (I've only seen them in TV shows), good doctors and a few I wouldn't give the time of day.
Speaking of doctors, I've been in the medical system for well over 50 years, sometimes seeing doctors and specialists every day for long periods of time and 98% of my experiences have been good experiences but that 2% stay with you.
I'm including 8 days in intensive care 15 years ago (Nepean hospital) where no one knew exactly what was wrong with me and all my own doc ever told me when I got out was "you're very lucky, they thought they were going to lose you!". My experiences in the hospital obviously wasn't good (due to my condition) BUT, I have nothing but praise and respect for those who did whatever they did and saved my life, everyone from the poor fellow collecting stool samples 3 times per day to those taking blood 3 times per day, the specialists and the nurses, all amazing people.
I spent several days in a major Sydney hospital around 1 year later and everyone there were great people.

BUT the 2% of bad experiences throughout my life including a pretentious know it all new doc recently who got told by 2 more senior staff members to maybe listen to the patient who knows about the condition (and other words I've been assured) and his ignorance may lead to my sons permanent deafness because I couldn't get the help for him I needed when I needed it.
And yes, you're right, I'm far from happy about my sons condition and the BS associated with trying to get help which could have recovered his hearing (my son was born deaf but minor surgery at 4 recovered a very small percentage of natural hearing in one ear) and when I take my son to the specialist in Orange in July I will be asking him to have a word to the same doc I'm far from happy with.

I'm more annoyed with myself because I stopped my son from slamming his nose into a door frame and breaking it (to relieve pressure in the Eustachian tube) and also talked him out of punching a needle through his own eardrum to relieve the build up of blood and the pressure associated with his condition (LVAS)
I should have just let him do either but I;ve had a broken nose more than once and it's caused sinus issues my whole life, as for the needle through the eardrum, the risk of infection is extremely high.

But I'm sort of happy about one thing, i've been told the cancer in my ear has a quick path to my brain, hopefully my remaining time will be short and I won't have to care about any of it soon.
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Old 27-05-2024, 01:15 PM
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Hi Leo...just focus on all the good stuff and things will feel better...

AND remember we each personally enjoy an eternity of existence...we do not know when we get here and we do not know when we leave and so I say that time for each of us is a personal eternity...so enjoy it...
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Old 27-05-2024, 05:15 PM
Leo.G (Leo)
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I believe we're all here to learn lessons to take to the next plane of existence.
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Old 27-05-2024, 06:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Leo.G View Post
I believe we're all here to learn lessons to take to the next plane of existence.
Perhaps " we" can only expect to exist as atoms...

The next 5 billion years will be much the same as far as our experience for the previous 5 billion...or 14 billion even...

I bought some rice bubbes today...weird they are a quarter size to normal...all I can think is to make chocolate crackles out of them...who would think such a thing could occur???

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Old 27-05-2024, 07:40 PM
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Where does the chocolate crackle queue start? Even though my body is not a fan of copha, my stomach likes the whole product more!
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Old 28-05-2024, 12:49 AM

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Chocolate Crackles.... Oh yes back in the day Mmmmmmmm and on a related subject Polly Waffles are back. Well in mini bite type form at Coles as I've just discovered. Off to Coles later today to test them out.

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Old 28-05-2024, 02:40 AM
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Originally Posted by JA View Post
Chocolate Crackles.... Oh yes back in the day Mmmmmmmm and on a related subject Polly Waffles are back. Well in mini bite type form at Coles as I've just discovered. Off to Coles later today to test them out.

You have made my day..they are the best...however "she" now refuses to buy me sweets and chocolate.
She earlier refused to make the chocolate crackles as I have to rein in the sweet thing fast...

I put on 10 klg in a little over a week..a box of Cadbury Roses in 24 hours stuff...and another in the next 24 hours.

Not bad for a non sweety..but Polly Waffle we must make an exception today if there...plus the guitar is there almost certainly...what a treat...now I won't sleep...

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