A few here know of a deal that was done between New Zealand , Belgium and good old OZ , eg me .
This was a long winded affair , but good people allowed this to happen with every one happy .
On to the 80mm Mizar its self, it was a wreck when IK payed for it in OZ dollars off fleabay .
The long story short was I was left with a OTA , mount and tripod in a really sad state , I have since made a CW , grabbed a 30mm finder off IIS , cleaned the objective , etc , etc ,etc .
With an elcheapo 1 1/4 inch diagonal and my eyepieces this f12.5 blew me away !!

, no bull this OTA is almost as good as my Tak sky90 ( close ) I cant see any CA on the moon or the bright ( over 1st mag. stars ) it is excellent , .
I only know of one of these here and yes these are special scopes and I will rebuild this one .
One more thing , the mount looks like the cheap chineese eq's but hell no ! this is as good as my Vixen SP .
