Hi all , just thought I would show off my latest refractor , its a Saxon ED100 that I got here for just over $300 .
It was missing a Focuser , Rings and diagonal but never to worry as i have all these parts in my box of bits so here it is completed sitting on the Mizar mount all on a Celestron 2 inch s/s tripod .
Looks rather handsome don't you think

? and its very solid , but it's raining here so unless it clears up I won't be testing it tonight

, yep the new scope curse is alive and kicking around here .
Another thing is that the lens in this Saxon has blueish/purpleish coatings , a lot like the EMC coatings on my iStar 127mm and every site I have visited on the ED100's ( and there are 1000's ) shows the typical ' China Green ' coatings so I

wonder why this Sazon seems to have coatings a step or 2 above the SW and Orion ED100's ? , comments welcome .
The tube and dew shield is also flocked , a nice bonus .