This is a mate of mine's handiwork! (He'd love me for saying that!

We had our rescue trucks on display at the local show when we got the call to a truck prang not far from town. A loaded chip truck had rolled on a not too sharp corner and come to rest against a tree.
On arrival at the scene the driver was trapped by one leg between the tree and the roof of the cab. The bonnet was also folded back between his leg and the roof of the cab. I started work on spreading the roof/bonnet away from the tree to release his leg while the ambos worked on the driver.
We'd been there several minutes when I recognised the driver's voice, as a close mate of mine (and he was also a rescue operator). I was having some difficulty getting grip with the spreaders on the fibreglass of the roof and bonnet so I had to resort to some brute force to keep them in place while another rescuer got some packing to stop it all from collapsing on his leg again.

It was quite frustrating trying to communicate the urgency to get some packing without also worrying the driver who understood everything we were doing and our prowords!
Later we found out he's had to swerve off the road to avoid an oncoming small truck on the wrong side of the road. When the truck fell over, he was thrown through the windscreen and was rolling along the side of the road beside the bonnet of the truck. He was quite unrecognisable to look at! The other truck didn't stop.
The next photo will have
your pet in it.