First, my last Saturn for the season. This image was captured on Thursday night at about 9.00pm in somewhat good weather conditions. Jupiter was captured on Friday morning at about 2.00am.
Nice work Anthony. Detail is pretty good given the conditions of late. I think I was out for a few nights doing some planetary observing last week - the best conditions were Wednesday but with about 80% cloud it was hard to get a capture in. Great work!
Fine images Anthony, you would be happy with the results?
And the observatory has been an added bonus.
Locally we've had so much cloud every evening except for the past few days of constant rain but were I to have something more permanent I've noticed some beautiful clear skies earlier in the mornings when I'm supposed to be sleeping and kicked myself for not bothering even trying.
I've risked it so many other nights in the past where reports said the sky should clear, set up in daylight with cloud then do the very awkward dash to get everything in before the rain got heavier.
One day...