Old 12-11-2012, 06:38 PM
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Nice scope, Flash!!!
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Old 12-11-2012, 07:59 PM
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Wow Colin, a new addition to the family. That's great and it looks sweet. Enjoy

Cheers Peter
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Old 13-11-2012, 01:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Shark Bait View Post
+1 for a review.

Looks great. Hope you get some clear skies soon.
Thanks Sharky ...hanging out for the clouds to go away

Originally Posted by MortonH View Post
Nice scope, Flash!!!
Hey Mort' ... Cheers Mate ... Nice indeed alright ... she's a beauty ..

Originally Posted by Stardrifter_WA View Post
Wow Colin, a new addition to the family. That's great and it looks sweet. Enjoy

Cheers Peter
Hey Peter ... On'ya Mate ... all I need now is that ' Dome ' to go with it

Thanks Everyone ..!!
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Old 15-11-2012, 10:24 PM
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Smile Explore Scientific AR102

Here's my muse at the moment. My Explore Scientific AR102. No.75. I like it very much. Its amazing that it comes with such a nice 2" dual speed focuser and a 99% reflectivity dielectric diagonal with the entire scope costing just $399. (When bought)
I have it mounted on an EQ3-2 which I have have modified into an alt-azimuth configuration. The mount is siting on top of a 16" pier extension, mounted onto the original tripod. I have also filled the legs of the tripod with river sand to add more weight and rigidity to the whole setup.
It looks heavy but I can lift it up and carry it around my front garden as one piece for different angles of the sky.

Constructive criticism of this scope is that the supplied 9x50 finder and mounting rings are awkwardly close to the focuser. I removed it and added a red.dot finder which I mounted on the tube rings of the scope.

Id get a picture of my eyepieces but I think you guys have seen it all before.

What ya think?
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Old 16-11-2012, 06:34 PM
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Originally Posted by AG Hybrid View Post
Here's my muse at the moment. My Explore Scientific AR102. No.75. I like it very much. Its amazing that it comes with such a nice 2" dual speed focuser and a 99% reflectivity dielectric diagonal with the entire scope costing just $399. (When bought)
I have it mounted on an EQ3-2 which I have have modified into an alt-azimuth configuration. The mount is siting on top of a 16" pier extension, mounted onto the original tripod. I have also filled the legs of the tripod with river sand to add more weight and rigidity to the whole setup.
It looks heavy but I can lift it up and carry it around my front garden as one piece for different angles of the sky.

Constructive criticism of this scope is that the supplied 9x50 finder and mounting rings are awkwardly close to the focuser. I removed it and added a red.dot finder which I mounted on the tube rings of the scope.

Id get a picture of my eyepieces but I think you guys have seen it all before.

What ya think?
Very neat setup ....certainly looks the part ... at that price with all the ' goodies ' included ...decent aperture ....yah can't go wrong ..!!
Very good for the outlay ..!!

Flash ..!!
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Old 16-11-2012, 08:20 PM
brian nordstrom (As avatar)
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Nice scope Adrian , did you get this here in Australia ? or over seas ? as Flash says , we dont see these much here . .
I especially like the mount / pier , I bet it is so easy to use ?
Lovely set up .
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Old 16-11-2012, 10:41 PM
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I got the scope from Optcorp. Don't think anyone sells it in AUS. The pier I got from Opt as well. The eq3 was from my first telescope I bought from Lee Andrews up the road from me.

Its actually an eq5 pier. Pretty easy setup to use once the EQ3 had gone through its modification into alt-azmuth. The original slow motion hand controls are conveniently placed just left of the focuser. It originally had a 6" f6.8 newt on it, so the tripod legs didn't need to be extended. But I wanted a better viewing position with the AR102. Extending the flimsy tripod caused 3-4 seconds of wobbling when using the focuser and tracking. Not really acceptable since I am hand tracking objects. I couldn't buy a set of EQ5 legs, or at least I couldn't find it.

Some research gave the alternative of keep the legs short to reduce the settle down time and use a pier to raise the height. It was unclear if the current piers on the market would fit the eq3. But, a post in an English Astro forum said it would...and it does. Beautifully. Others suggested filling the hollow tripod legs with something to add weight and rigidity. Some use buckshot, or weights. Someone mentioned dirt and sand. Didn't want to put straight dirt into my scope setup, so I got some river sand which is quite fine and strained out any extras like twigs. Works well. Also made my own tripod leg dampeners which aren't in the picture with soft dense packing foam.

Its point and squirt easy to use. The hand controls make tracking effortless too.

On a further note. The optics of the AR102 is superb. Easily 1/4 wave, maybe better. Very sharp, pinpoint stars. I suppose the Pentax eyepiece helps too.
There is false color of course. But it doesn't really bother me. All the interesting objects are dimmer then mag 3 and there is almost no CA on objects mag 3.5 and beyond.

Most importantly the modifications to the mount meant I didn't need to spring cash for a new mount. Means I can spend more cash on eyepieces.
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Old 17-11-2012, 01:38 PM
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Originally Posted by brian nordstrom View Post
Nice scope Adrian , did you get this here in Australia ? or over seas ? as Flash says , we dont see these much here . .
I especially like the mount / pier , I bet it is so easy to use ?
Lovely set up .
Hi Brian,

Explore Scientific is available in Australia through Extravision (Qld) who are the Australian distributor. I am waiting on info from them regarding the new ES152mmED Triplet, that was very recently released in the US.

Cheers Peter
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Old 17-11-2012, 07:00 PM
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Nice , we all will be waiting for that baby to arrive at your place .
Is there a ball park price ?
Originally Posted by Stardrifter_WA View Post
Hi Brian,

Explore Scientific is available in Australia through Extravision (Qld) who are the Australian distributor. I am waiting on info from them regarding the new ES152mmED Triplet, that was very recently released in the US.

Cheers Peter
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Old 18-11-2012, 01:07 PM
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Originally Posted by brian nordstrom View Post
Nice , we all will be waiting for that baby to arrive at your place .
Is there a ball park price ?
No news on price yet Brian, but I am definitely interested. It is a 152mmED CF f7.5 Triplet Apo which uses Hoya FCD1 glass and ED glass, so it won't be cheap, but I suspect it will be considerably cheaper that a Tak 6", at least it would want to be.

At present I am waiting on a WO 110mm flourite triplet, which I hope to pick up tomorrow from Fedex. I was originally going to get the Tak106ED but at around 7k (with accessories) I simply couldn't justify it (given that I also need a mount), so I settled on the WO which had had a price reduction. I only have a couple of weeks work left after which I won't return to work until February, at which time I will get the new SW EQ6 GT mount then.

Cheers Peter

Last edited by Stardrifter_WA; 18-11-2012 at 01:30 PM.
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Old 23-11-2012, 07:41 PM

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Funny how things happen, a couple of months ago I said to my wife I might get a little telescope seen as we have such a great dark site and can see the heavens so well.

My wife said: " Just don't spend too much, you know what you're like when you get a new hobby!"

I really couldn't understand what she could possibly have meant until just a few minutes ago, when I looked in on my "stuff" in the back bedroom

Istar Perseus AT150 F10 Achromat with 2.5" Moonlite TriKnob Focuser.
Gaunt Equatorial Mount Circa 1877 (now restored to its former glory)
Vixen R200SS 8" F4 Newtonian Astrograph
Vixen GP-D2 with Dual Axis Motor Drives
Canon 50D with Baader ACF filter
Vixen LV and LVW eyepieces 3.5mm, 5mm, 6mm, 13mm, 17mm, 20mm
Meade Super Plossl 4000 9.7mm, 15mm, 25mm

I will have to install a lock on the spareroom door
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Old 23-11-2012, 07:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Kunama View Post
Funny how things happen, a couple of months ago I said to my wife I might get a little telescope seen as we have such a great dark site and can see the heavens so well.

My wife said: " Just don't spend too much, you know what you're like when you get a new hobby!"

I really couldn't understand what she could possibly have meant until just a few minutes ago, when I looked in on my "stuff" in the back bedroom

Istar Perseus AT150 F10 Achromat with 2.5" Moonlite TriKnob Focuser.
Gaunt Equatorial Mount Circa 1877 (now restored to its former glory)
Vixen R200SS 8" F4 Newtonian Astrograph
Vixen GP-D2 with Dual Axis Motor Drives
Canon 50D with Baader ACF filter
Vixen LV and LVW eyepieces 3.5mm, 5mm, 6mm, 13mm, 17mm, 20mm
Meade Super Plossl 4000 9.7mm, 15mm, 25mm

I will have to install a lock on the spareroom door
That's a very impressive and tidy collection Matt. Jealous!!
Has the wife given up yet??
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Old 23-11-2012, 07:54 PM

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She just shakes her head in disgust !!!
When I told her the Vixen GP-D2 was on its way and the Mastercard bill would follow she bought the redgum outdoor setting she had always wanted.
(I quietly said to myself " I could have bought another scope with that money !)
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Old 23-11-2012, 08:16 PM
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Dont go there Matt ....
You wont win . .so quit while you are ahead . ( Brother to Brother )
Originally Posted by Kunama View Post
She just shakes her head in disgust !!!
When I told her the Vixen GP-D2 was on its way and the Mastercard bill would follow she bought the redgum outdoor setting she had always wanted.
(I quietly said to myself " I could have bought another scope with that money !)
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Old 23-11-2012, 09:11 PM
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I asked my wife to guard the scope in the driveway the other night, as I had to attend to the call of nature urgently. Came back and she had her arms crossed, so I knew something was awry...

She asked how many telescopes I have...

4 dear, as always, 'cept that one in the BIG box is sold, and the little one too.

She then proceeds to remind me where and when each was obtained, but I counter that, saying this was traded for that, and that sold to get that etc.

She gave me that look, and went inside. I know she's not convinced. I am a poor liar.
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Old 24-11-2012, 01:25 AM
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Originally Posted by Kunama View Post
Funny how things happen, a couple of months ago I said to my wife I might get a little telescope seen as we have such a great dark site and can see the heavens so well.

My wife said: " Just don't spend too much, you know what you're like when you get a new hobby!"

I really couldn't understand what she could possibly have meant until just a few minutes ago, when I looked in on my "stuff" in the back bedroom

Istar Perseus AT150 F10 Achromat with 2.5" Moonlite TriKnob Focuser.
Gaunt Equatorial Mount Circa 1877 (now restored to its former glory)
Vixen R200SS 8" F4 Newtonian Astrograph
Vixen GP-D2 with Dual Axis Motor Drives
Canon 50D with Baader ACF filter
Vixen LV and LVW eyepieces 3.5mm, 5mm, 6mm, 13mm, 17mm, 20mm
Meade Super Plossl 4000 9.7mm, 15mm, 25mm

I will have to install a lock on the spareroom door
Really nice job on the restored mount Matt....sweet!

As for too much much gear, just remember....... he who has the most toys, wins!!!!
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Old 01-12-2012, 03:43 PM
rousey346 (Jay)
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My equipment
Meade LX200GPS 12"
Meade Lightbridge 16"
Skywatcher 6" Achromat on EQ6 mount

One for each, photography, deep sky and planetary

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Old 28-12-2012, 07:52 PM
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The AOS 10" F5.7" with the brilliant Sampson (Alex Stern) mnt I purchased S/H as a lark in the early 1990's. I purchase the A/C drive and corrector for a tidy sum new. The Mirror is rather average, over-corrected for SA and with a turned edge and possibly central hole. I've stopped it down to 9.5" F6 and am getting better views. I cut down the central obstruction from 60mm to 50 with a new flat and 4 vane spider. The 8x50 Finder was originally straight but I cut it to R/A.
The new price for the scope as equipped would have been $3,000 at the time. But generally I've used it as a Dobsonian.

My serious project at the time was to assemble a very fine 6" F8 Newt. I spent from 92 to 94 collecting parts for it. I purchased a Vixen SP mnt with short legs that was price reduced after a 6" F5 kit returned to AOS due to a spherical mirror. I then purchase the duel axis drive for a pretty penny. The SP mnt is quality stuff.
The tube assembly is mostly Parks, with an excellent Parks main mirror. I used an Astrosytems phase -3 focuser for the low profile and a one inch flat. The result is refactor like with very little scatter around the airy disk.
I think the mnt cost $1500 and the tube assembly $1350. So almost 3k for an elite EQ 6" Newt!
Since I had the nice mnt I thought I'd get a 4" refactor tube. Originally I planned on a Carton 4" F13 Achromat (Being warned by Monty of AOS the Vixen 4" F10 achromat didn't cut it.) I ran into this earlier Vixen 102mm fluorite F8.8 triplet S/H at BATSC. A very fine telescope and combined with the SP mnt it is wonderfully lightweight for the amount of punch. I've even had Barry Adcock transfixed by it. I purchased GP era long legged tripod for ......$440! After blowing the original drive box a couple of times, I got a GP era paddle control w/ 32x slew. Always use a voltage corrector with those delicate electronics.

The Megrez SD glass I bought S/H as a richfield scope and later with a Mede 40mm SWA. To save money I purchased Televues telepod head and made up the rest from the now surplus vixen short tripod and some cheap longer legs from Roger Davis in-store rummage box. I used a steel plate to balance the Megrez and inch forward, because of the heavy visual back and eyepiece. The accessory tray spreader brace I made from waste timber.

Deciding to preserve the SP mnt for the Fluorite I bought a S/H Synta CG-5 head (which was heavier duty and more suited for the 6") and pillar mnt from Roger's Rummage. As far as long Newts go using one with a tripod is inconvenient and pillar is the way to go. This is why I had the short tripod surplus. I purchased a dual dive which was a bit of a waste because there is so much play in the Synta EQ head that takes some time to synch.

Rogers instore rummage box that followed him from York to Batsc to Bintel is sadly missed.
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Old 28-12-2012, 08:09 PM
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The new addition to the family....a CF GSO RC8. I need to sort out DEC balance issues as a counterweight is required at the front. My modded Canon 30D is attached. Still using my 60mm Tasco refractor as a guide scope.
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Old 29-12-2012, 07:11 PM
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Hi all, Here are a few pics of my gear. I have a 1970's? Cave astrola. 8" f6 equatorial pier mount with tube rotation rings, purchased in 1985 for $1200. My other current scope is a Chinese made 4" f7 achromatic refractor.The optics on the refractor are quite good and much better than the 4 1/2" f 8.9 short tube reflector I used as a guide scope before. I love the peir mount it is really stable and impossible to knock over (my dogs go a bit crazy running around the yard at night) and the rotating tube rings are the best invention for a newtonian ever. Our local group holds a few school veiwing nights and I can rotate the eyepiece to the right height for just about any kids.
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