CPC1100 Visual/Video-astronomy/Imaging Set-up
Goto telescope from a laptop
Mallincam for instant gratification and image acquisition on a laptop
2" diagonal and Baader eyepieces for visual back
Losmandy piggy-back rail
William Optics short refractor piggyback scope for imaging
Canon adaptors and EOS 500D if wanted
Binoviewer if wanted
Mitty wedge/rock solid over-engineered industrial grade wedge for long exposures
12V powerpack if needed
All as new. $5000 negotiable
Last edited by Adrian Aitken; 29-08-2016 at 07:46 PM.
Has this telescope been sold?
I live in Point Cook Vic. Very interested if still for sale.
Please call me on 0420 318 227
I have not had any response from you.
Regard Evan
Last edited by evanspicer; 18-11-2016 at 10:20 AM.
Reason: Update