After some 12 months "tarnishing time" since the necessary evil of being cleaned up, the old brass refractor is beginning to once again mellow to a nice golden sheen ...
Circa 1880 - 1890 Berry&Mackay 3" F15 brass refractor on library stand
I don't think my 2 indoor only cats that bounce off the walls and knock everything flying would be any good at your place.
I don't think my 2 indoor only cats that bounce off the walls and knock everything flying would be any good at your place.
Due to the enormous amount of pottery and glassware my wife has gathered, two cats could have a field day here.
I look at the stuff and think to myself " Hmmm ... I could have bought a TOA150 with those $$$$$s instead"
My solar set up on its HEQ5 , Istar/Lunt Hershell wedge , awesome solar white light viewing , tons of detail seen on the surface and sunspots are almost 3D ,
Vintage Orange C14 on a vintage Parallax HD 150 mount. Got my Gemini 2 retrofit kit installed. Just got it all together today. The worm gears need some tweaking as does the C14 collimation, but getting close!
Very Nice Chuck , I have a soft spot for the C14's awesome scopes and the mount and pier are so good looking , nice set up .
Thanks! Now if I only lived under darker skies. I am excited though. Double stars, clusters, planets and a few bright nebulae should be very nice. I still have to get the mount tweaked a bit, and the C14 collimated (shipping probably wasn't kind to it), but feel capable to do both. I should be able to "warm start" the Gemini 2 after that and going outside to view for a few hours should be really nice. A Starlight Instruments Crayford focuser and a nice orange aluminum dew shield are on the short list.
It's heeeere. The Skywatcher Black Diamond ED100. It comes with a 2 inch diagonal and eyepiece. After 40 years of astronomy this is my first 2 inch eyepiece! It's freaking huge! Hopefully this will make for a good solar and lunar scope at the very least. If not I'm sure the cats will have fun with it. Was on special at Astro Pete's so couldn't resist. I might even put it on a better mount than my 40 year old Tasco EQ. Nah...
The power pole nebula 500 metres down the road looks sharp and clear. Can't see any sign of CA in daylight. Much happier with this scope than the Long Perng 90. Solar pics with it later today if it remains clear.
Welcome to refractor land Kevin , these ED100's get rave revievs world wide and in many side by side reviews these hold their own against the TV 102 , Takahashi 102mm doublets and thats no mean feat , great scopes .
It looks nice on that mount and congratulations on a great APO .
Edison that's a very good moon shot , and Kevin clouds but looking at the power pole shot yours should be the same no CA and very , very sharp ! , nice scopes and if I did not already have a nice 127mm Istar I would be all over one of these .
Originally Posted by killswitch
It has no CA against the moon. heres a photo i took:
That is a great shot of the Moon Edison. I hope I can get one that good soon.
Well first light goes to the nearest star the Sun. Very clear view and the best out of all my refractors for white light solar. Very happy with this scope.
This is just 2 frames stacked of 1/80 second at ISO 100, Pentax K-x and SW ED100.
**** WARNING ****
DO NOT store your Fluorite Takahashi scopes together ..........
I made that mistake and much to my horror when I returned home today,
I found my FS128 in our bed with a smug grin on his objective, next to him was the FC76DCsv nursing a brand new baby FS60CB.
Seems that Takahashis like to breed, have a short gestation period and take over your life ..............