I rebuilt my EQ6 mount to belt drive a couple of years ago. It worked very well when using Windows system. Later I moved over to Linux and KStars. Then I got problem, the EQMOD driver in INDI doesn't allowed custom gear ratio as it do in ASCOM. With help I changed the EQMOD driver to accept custom gear ratio, but was very unpractical. There is also a hardware bug in the controller board of EQ6 (RA drift compensation).
Now I have decided to replace the original driver board in the EQ6 mount with the open source OnStep which has support to both ASCOM and INDI.
I have documented how I plan to built it here:
For me the solution with the CPU board: FYSETC E4 looks to be the best. What I can see all pheripals I need is already implemented on that board. Make it more compact and easier to install inside the EQ6 mount.
Have any of you used this FYSETC E4 board ? What are your experiences with it, is it a good choice?