Originally Posted by auroradude
These are some great shots that are being posted but I was curious - does anybody still use film?
Yep. I've been giving it a nudge the last week or so. Shot and developed 3 rolls so far. B+W only(not sure what slidefilm is available/any good these days)
Most are crap, but shots taken on Sat. night aren't bad.
Most of my drama's have been getting the right exposure times, so mostly bracketing with different films.
Those on Sat. were shot on Delta 100 pro(still crying for the loss of TechPan) and are pretty good except for some trailing.
I was gonna have a go last night with Delta 400 Pro and a barndoor/scotch mount/tracker, but cloud didn't help.
Will have a go tonight weather permitting(I can see cloud
Can anyone in Perth with a neg. scanner help me please?
Would like to get these neg's scanned if possible.