Originally Posted by BillR
I don't have a hand controller but it appears from the wiki that it can connect via a cable plugged into the ST4 port or wifi. I would expect it to work straight away if plugged in. Have you tried this?
There is a very long Juwei thread on Cloudy Nights where some people are using the hand controller. It would be worth browsing this or asking a question there if you can't get it working.
I don't have a cable that can do that I'll fish around and see at home
It's the wifi that the hand controller can;t connect to the mount. I have the weekend to play around
Edit: from the
wiki page I read this:
Starting Up
When the SHC is powered up an "OnStep w/Teen Astro" splash screen will appear for a few seconds then it'll tell you it's trying to connect. After a couple of seconds, if successful, the SHC will start displaying the status information across the top line (guide rate, pulse-guide rate, and a series of icons as described below) and the RA and Dec below that. If the connection is interrupted for any reason the SHC will automatically attempt to start the connection again.
In my case it just keeps attempting to connect the mount is powered on