This has been a trying project with data gathered from multiple sites in varying conditions, but I kept at it and managed to get around 20hrs Ha and 12hrs O3.
This is a bi-colour narrowband image.
I processed this as per workflow kindly provided by Martin Pugh as I really liked the way he combined the O3 with Ha.
He's been patient with my PS skills but I learnt a lot, so thanks so much Martin. really appreciate it.
its been challenging to say the least. if you want to retain O3 spikes, you lose Ha so its a compromise. I really wanted the O3 spikes more than the Ha, but didn't get it as strong as I'd have liked it.
Might add RGB stars and more O3 next year, but I think i'm happy with this for now.
Processed in Startools and PS.
Astrodon 3nm O3 and 5nm Ha
10inchF4 CF Newt (home built)
Paramount MyT
comments welcome