Thanks Col , I had it out last night and using my 27mm Panoptic at 87x and 16mm Nagler at 147x it was very , very good almost as good as the Tak M210 , you would be hard pressed to tell them apart in a blind test , all the hype is true , these 9.25's are a special scope

I went as high as 230x with my 10mm Radian but the seeing was not good but lots of detail seen in those fleeting perfect seconds of still air , 'very good '.
M42 at 87x was huge , 'D' and 'E' stars easily seen .
Omega Centari was resolved to the core later on in the night .
I am very impressed as it arrived in perfect columination after a trip from NSW , impressive . I originally thought that it was slightly out but as the night wore on and the scope settled it turned out to be spot on .
Its also very light and man that Carbon Fibre is so blardy sexy

I like this scope a lot and should be with me for a long time
