It's a mighty beast and I'm really looking forward to putting it to use.
That's a fine looking instrument I'm sure you will enjoy it for its superb optics as well as its beautiful build quality. The Kruppax50 tube is fantastic at keeping the scope dew free and tube currents are almost non-existent.....
This is my AP 130GTX which I spent some time with the other night.
Mounted on an FTX alt-az with a Samson tripod.
It came with an additional accessory..a very happy Chappy..
I really enjoyed doing a bit of cloud hopping and whilst not an experienced observer and despite some pretty poor conditions am looking forward to doing some more visual while I wait for adapters.
Last edited by DJT; 06-03-2022 at 08:22 PM.
Reason: Typo
This is my AP 130GTX which I spent some time with the other night.
Mounted on an FTX alt-az with a Samson tripod.
It came with an additional accessory..a very happy Chappy..
I really enjoyed doing a bit of cloud hopping and whilst not an experienced observer and despite some pretty poor conditions am looking forward to doing some more visual while I wait for adapters.
Decided to take this beauty out of its case for some much needed air time and a check over. I was obsessed with getting my hands on one of these scopes but go figure I don't use it hardly as much as the TEC160FL .. I even have neglected the newly acquired AP130GTX.
Anyway this is the famed APOMAX 130 f12 APO Refractor built by Fred Mrozek (former partner of AP) using a design from Dr Richard Buchroeder. Has a unique cell design in that it has a cover that fits over the lens cell rather than a cover over the Dew Shield. It also has a massive 4" Focuser which is aesthetically pleasing but not overly functional. I plan to replace this with a Feather Touch 3.5" Focuser.
This handy refractor is very versatile and can do low power wide field and high power lunar/planetary viewing. There is a reducer for astrophotography available however I am a visual observer so can't really comment on that aspect.
This model is sold under various brand names, TS, Astrotech, Technosky etc. Starfield is a Canadian brand that is available online through First Light Optics UK.
The packaging although not up to Takahashi standard, was double boxed with molded polystyrene support cradles and fully sealed in plastic wrap.
I purchased this a few weeks ago for a total cost of $1690 AUD delivered by DHL in 5 days to Perth from Devon UK. The price without VAT came to about $1440 plus around $250 charged by DHL for import charges and GST.
The telescope is light weight and compact. As delivered without diagonal or finder, it is only 24" (60cm) and will fit into an Oklop 80/600 bag. This makes it very light and easy to get out the door. I have tried it on a Vixen Porta mount (dodgy with the standard alloy legs), Vixen GPD2 (perfect), and the Rowan AZ100, (overkill but very nice).
Setting up tonight for some lunar viewing. Starfield 102 f7 on the Vixen GPD2/Berlebach Uni 18. Takahashi prism diagonal and Morpheus 17.5 and 6.5mm eyepieces.
Nice set up Anj, the new scope looks good!
How did the Berlebach Uni 18 tripod go?. I’ve been looking at the same one for my tsa 102 but with an alt/az mount
The Uni 18 is excellent. I can highly recommend it. I have used it with my TSA 120 on the Vixen GPD2. The Planet tripod is even stronger and more rigid but much heavier also.
I bought the Uni 18 from TS several years ago. It has been totally reliable and a pleasure to use. Their freight charges have gone up a lot in the last year or so.
I’m about to thin the herd to pay for for the new scopes, but took this for the memory book. The 12” and 16” skywatcher are new to the collection with the 10” and DIY scope my previous main scopes, and an 8” for the kids. Extra 8” came from a colleague who moved overseas. All scopes except the Saxon 200 are Goto, with most using OnStep.
My latest, small telescope is a VoyagerMak 80mm F10.0
Its my lightest scope and very useful, especially when I want to have a quick look between clouds.
I sometimes check out for a recurrent Nova by checking the location of the 1893 Nova in Norma. The second image was taken through the scope for 15 seconds last night, before moonrise, on a roughly aligned EQ5 mount. The blur in globular NGC 5927. Though the image is far from perfect, it is good enough for me to see that the Nova has not recurred. One day, if I am lucky enough to catch it , I will have the images to prove it!
Location: Collingwood Park, Ipswich, Queensland,...
Posts: 81
107phq on EQR-6 pro
Setup is coming along. All that's left is to get the software configured and rough focus done. It's a beast for sure, comes in at 9.5kg as it sits now. I do have a pier extension I may have to use but looks like I can get past meridian a short time as it sits now without hitting leg. Will test in eqmod.
Setup is coming along. All that's left is to get the software configured and rough focus done. It's a beast for sure, comes in at 9.5kg as it sits now. I do have a pier extension I may have to use but looks like I can get past meridian a short time as it sits now without hitting leg. Will test in eqmod.
Gee that looks a nice set up Murray. I really like the green trim too.
Cheers, Richard
The old girls out for a meeting to discuss this lousy weather!
All in lovely condition, fully functional, my childhood ambitions achieved after 50 years waiting.......
TAL1 #0053 of 1992 - my sunspotter.
114 Unitron 60mm f15 May 1975 - my lunar scope.
R61 #610202 60mm f20 (c1960?) - my planetary scope.
Last edited by Boozlefoot; 08-06-2022 at 07:25 PM.
Reason: Update