Old 26-12-2024, 12:16 PM
DebinOz (Deborah)
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Please help me choose a planetary camera

I bought an svbony sv205, thinking it would do to just show what’s in my 80mm refractor on a screen. While it works ok during the day, at night I can’t see anything because it’s showing up just as a regular webcam in sharp cap on my Mele quieter 3 mini pc. There are no gain controls.

Can anyone recommend a camera that would work better? I would like to take some snapshots of what’s on the screen…. Bonus if I can use it with my phone. I don’t want to spend too much as this is just to pass the time while my main rig takes deep sky sequences, lol. And it’s only on an 80mm sv503 refractor so the viewing is pretty average anyway.

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Old 26-12-2024, 02:53 PM
Leo.G (Leo)
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Deborah I don't know whether this will help in any way with what you have but I've learnt the hard way that different versions of Sharpcap will successfully run different (in my case older) cameras.
I've had the issue a few times until going to an earlier release of Sharpcap for a couple of older cameras. It is EXTREMELY frustrating and I've since learnt to plug the camera into my computer with a normal camera lens either fitted or held in front and try Sharpcap to see not only if the camera is recognised as a dedicated camera but also to see if I actually see anything.
It's so much easier doing that in my lounge room than wanting to KICK over my entire set up once I'm out in the dark trying to image anything and not getting a thing (bad temper but never actually kick stuff over or damage anything I own, I don't have enough money to let my foul temper run amock/amuck (I'm old, I use the "U")).

Worth trying to get anything out of the equipment you already have.

I'm sorry, I don't know if there's possibly somewhere you can search which versions suit which camera sensor, there very well may be but I have to get out in the yard and weld a frame up to hold my mounting threaded rods for my pier I've been trying to concrete in for 3 or more years (setting frame and 16mm stainless rod in concrete pad).
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Old 27-12-2024, 05:32 AM
DebinOz (Deborah)
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Worth trying to get anything out of the equipment you already have.

Thanks Leo. Svbony suggested a firmware upgrade for the camera which fixed it. Now I just need to work out the best settings for clear images.
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