Hi Paul,
The real question is what you are planning to target. You can use any of the lenses listed & all would be workable in the correct situation. You really need to check the framing for the targets you want with various lenses. I use Stellarium or the simulator at telescopius.com to check framing with various gear.
Personally, when using camera lenses I prefer a fixed focal length over a zoom lens. With my 294MM I use a 50mm & 100mm for wider field images and an older 300mm F4 L which they no longer sell.
Remember that the 183MC has a smaller sensor than a DSLR/Mirrorless camera so will have a slightly tighter FoV. Also note that manually focusing with a lens can be very difficult - the slightest touch can put you way out. That's why I had Joshua make a focusing aid that allows small movements & holds the focus in place when done: