Old 28-11-2024, 03:31 PM
Leo.G (Leo)
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Not Astro related Nikon FE2 question

Sorry, this is imaging equipment and it may eventually go through a roll of film on the back of a telescope if I can repair it.

I just (today) acquired a Nikon FE2 camera. Something is rattling inside the film compartment which I have the sneaking suspicion it's the rewind lever which is required to open the film compartment door, it's come adrift and been placed inside the compartment for safe keeping I'm guessing.

Would anyone have a clue as to how I may get that door open without resorting to last measure butchery of what appears to be an old camera in very nice condition otherwise?

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Old 28-11-2024, 10:28 PM

JA is offline
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Hi Leo,

It would be best to post a photo or 2 of the rewind crank area to see if the door release lever is in place. If you are sure any film has been removed or fully rewound or if you don't care about any film in the camera then ....There is a black (door release) lever below the rewind crank. If it is there then (from memory) turn it anticlockwise until it stops at the same time pulling up on the whole rewind crank disc without the rewind crank unfolded. If all is well you will hear a click and the camera back will open.

Hopefully it's OK.

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Old 29-11-2024, 11:29 AM
Leo.G (Leo)
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Thanks JA but it appears a lot of the mechanism is missing. I found a service manual which shows the entire mechanism.
I'd still like to get the door open and see what's rattling around in there (not a film spool) and see if I can obtain the parts and get it in working condition. I'm not sure how I'll do that and I wouldn't strip a working unit for parts so it may become a parts unit if I ever get another one.
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