Old 24-11-2024, 06:30 AM
DebinOz (Deborah)
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New Petzval sv555 54mm from SVBony


Has anyone ordered one of these or have any feedback as to the quality compared to a Redcat or Askar? These are on sale right now and half the price of the Redcat. Too good to be true? They are not saying what type of glass they use and the marketing is hilarious. The guy in the release livestream even dropped it while demonstrating.
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Old 25-11-2024, 09:16 AM
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OzEclipse (Joe Cali)
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Haven't ordered one. SV Bony are capable of producing excellent optics. I have a pair of SV Bony SV202 10x42ED's that are excellent.

For around that same price, you can get a Samyang/Rokinon 135mm f2, a fantastic tack sharp wide field astrographic lens. They are sharp wide open but with vignetting.

Add a quality 1.4X converter and you have a 200mm f2.8 and a 2X converter and you have a 270mm f4, not that different to the Redcat. Either of these will only have 45-55mm back focus depending which mount you buy so it depends what you want to hang behind it.
DSLR - no problems.
Dedicated Astrocam with filter wheel etc - you'll need to check back focus requirements.
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Old 25-11-2024, 03:45 PM
DebinOz (Deborah)
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Originally Posted by OzEclipse View Post
For around that same price, you can get a Samyang/Rokinon 135mm f2, a fantastic tack sharp wide field astrographic lens. They are sharp wide open but with vignetting.

Add a quality 1.4X converter and you have a 200mm f2.8 and a 2X converter and you have a 270mm f4, not that different to the Redcat. .
I had a Samyang 135 and sold it to fund an upgrade to a longer focal length scope, being under the impression a telescope would yield better images at 250-400mm. I already have a 70-200 2.8L. To increase focal length I have been comparing a used 100-400 f4.5-5.6L, an f4 300mm, the Zenithstar 61 (F5.6, 360mm) and a refurbished redcat 51 (250mm, f4.9) I am using a full frame canon camera.

On paper, the 70-200 I already have looks like a winner at F2.8. Is the redcat or zenithstar going to yield better results?
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