Hi. I am a newbie and setting up my first deep sky rig after years of untracked Milky Way shots. I have a star adventurer GTi and have set up a guiding system using ASi mini guide cam and SVBony mini guide scope on a Mele mini PC with Nina, Asc, PHD2, Stellarium and of course Synscan. I am currently shooting with a Canon 6Dii and Samyang 135 ed f2.
I would like to upgrade to a refractor which will allow me both better deep sky imaging of bright wide field targets, as well as something that I can take along to viewing nights at the local astronomical society to do some limited viewing.
I also need it to be portable enough to take out camping as I like to get away to darker skies than Suburban Sydney!
Can anyone recommend a refractor that I can pick up new or used for under $1k that would fit the bill? I have seen some used ones around that are 61,72 and 80mm. I am not sure which would work best for my use case on that mount.