up for sale is my software bisque paramount mx+ mount..i brought this new from the USA. all ways been looked after and is in excellent condition one of the best mounts out there super sturdy and reliable..its running mks5000 software... 100 lb (45 kg) instrument capacity; 200lb (90 kg) maximum payload capacity (instruments+counterweights)
Unibody mount design weighs 50 lb (23 kg)
Maximum 7 arcseconds peak-to-peak error before correction
Calibrated polar alignment adjustments
Fourth-generation control system featuring USB 2.0 computer to mount interface
Belt-driven gears with spring loaded worm to gear interface results in virtually zero backlash
Ample space for additional through the mount cabling
All standard electronics and through the mount wiring are housed inside the mount
includes a versatile equipment mounting plate (a.k.a. the Vera-Plate) that accepts any telescope Two Port USB 2.0 hub on the Instrument Panel
Power supply and PC to mount cabling included
30 arcsecond all sky pointing accuracy using TPoint telescope modeling software
Clutchless design maintains the TPoint assisted pointing accuracy
TheSkyX Pro with Add Ons feature ProTrack™, Direct Guide™ (guider-cable free autoguiding), Super Model™, All Sky Image Link™, Closed Loop Slews,.. if interested make me good offer$$$$ would like to sell in W.A. because shipping will be pricey