I have just recently completed building myself a couple of light boxes and I am very pleased with the results. If anyone is interested in me building one for them, PM me and I can discuss price etc, one thing is for sure, they are going to be at least a third of the price of imported ones, and IMHO work just as well. The two attached images will give you some sort of idea of my construction. My method of construction allowes the light box to fit over the front of the telescope/dew shield, much like a cover so one does not need to balance it on the scope.
I use a 12v lighter type connector for the power, and each LED is rated at between 6000mcd and 12000mcd depending on the size of the box required.
If interested please feel free to ask any questions.
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I will need two for refractors - 102mm and 70mm. I haven't received them yet so cannot tell exactly the OD>will confirm asap. Ship to Hobart I know was bit steep last time!!
Graham, if you have two scopes, I can adapt a single light box to take 2 scopes by making one for the biggest scope and a sleeve that fits over the top of the light box to accommodate the smaller scope, saves money too.