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Old 28-10-2010, 09:19 AM
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How can we forget Jaycar Electronics:


Online and stores across the country.

I've been looking at their site for bits and pieces and have got leads and connectors for my dew zapper from them, .
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Old 01-11-2010, 10:12 AM
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Here is another threaded insert option, from Blackwoods that Andrew had posted earlier:

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Old 13-11-2010, 09:14 AM
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And for the electronics geeks amongst us, check out this eBay seller.
Lots of cheap micro-controller bits, power supplies and LCD displays.
Free shipping on lots of items too.
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Old 06-12-2010, 12:20 PM
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Needed some largish diameter tubing (65mm) for a project in the garage. I had a couple of Toner cannisters from a Xerox copier about the right diameter, 65mm and 75 mm OD. Length about 300 mm. Once you hacksaw them open and clean out the residual toner you end up with a very light 1mm wall rigid plastic tube. I won't tell you (yet) what I'm building with mine but could be useful for sight scope bodies, 60mm or 70 mm lens. Just watch out for the toner, it's totally nontoxic and harmless but messy !! ( I used to be the materials safety person for this stuff so I know )
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Old 07-06-2011, 09:26 AM
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Another electronics components place you may like to try is:


Certainly worth a look. Cheaper than Jaycar. I've been getting a few bits and bobs for my stuff from here.
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Old 09-06-2011, 11:11 PM
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while we are on electronics
has lot of proto/breakout boards and sensors

stocks some of the sparkfun stuff
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Old 10-06-2011, 10:26 AM
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A sticky perhaps?

Great work everyone.
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Old 10-06-2011, 11:44 AM
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Great thread - should definitely be a sticky.
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Old 11-06-2011, 09:40 AM
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Thread stuck!
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Old 02-10-2011, 09:01 PM
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I've recently gone to a local cabinet maker to source some textured laminate for a new mount. The fellow there mentioned to me that the best source of these textured laminates are specifically benchtop makers, . Cabinet makers through the nature of their work don't carry a large range of laminates. Benchtop makers on the other hand do.

A little tip to help reduce leg work.
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Old 09-03-2012, 06:08 PM
TMA1 (Tom)
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Fantastic thread, fellas. Finding parts looked like a big headache, even googling for them didn't turn up the companies you've listed there. My cunning plan for a 12" Newton-Dobson is close to hatching. Cheers, and lets hope for some good auroral activity and clear skies.
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Old 15-08-2012, 07:17 PM
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Ripstop material

If you are looking for some Ripstop material to make a shroud, instument cover, whatever, the situation is Ripstops-ain't-Ripstops.

There are three ready sources of "real McCoy" Ripstop:

1, Parachute and paragluider makers

2, Sail makers

3, Kite makers

The last requires you to find actual kite making suppliers or the makers themselves. In Sydney, there is Kite Magic in Coogee

Ripstop is available in varying densities, but they all are quite waterproof/resistant. Some come in as little as 20g/sqm. Others over 120g/sqm. Some are very suple, other quite stiff.

I got some black Ripstop from Doyles Sailmakers. An amazing bunch of people! Very knowledgable and helpful. As sailmakers, there is nothing about this material they don't know. They also help give advice on how to handle the material. Such a fantastic place! I never imagined that the performance of a boat could be tweeked so much by just a few mm alteration of a 100sqm sail! Awesome stuff.

Paragliding.net lists several Australian and international paraglider and parachute manufacturers.

Avoid places like Spotlight and Lincraft as the "Ripstop" they offer is not the type of material we require. Frays very easily, is too stretchy, not water resistant/proof and NOT COLOUR FAST!!!! You do not want the black dye to be lifted by a heavy dew and drip, drip, drip onto your primary mirror!!!
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Old 29-12-2012, 12:02 AM
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Isopropyl Alcohol 250ml bulk bottle for about $9 at jaycar. Why doesn't this site have a dam wiki i don't know lmao. Anyhow i searched high and low to buy this stuff and found it here cheap and at 99.8% purity which is dam hard to get besides going to industrial chemical suppliers who are going to think your running a meth lab.

Also for white lithium any bicycle stores that sells bikes as a primary means of income will stock it. I scored a sweet white race mix for $7 in there clearance bin from about $20, it was only a little 200gram tub but it is enough to do over 100 mounts lol.

We should ask the admins for a wiki page where products for diy ect can be listed and easily maintained and updated ect. I took me quite some time to track down a suppleir willing to ship single units of Sony HAD mono senors ( the rest want 100+ units), why should others have to go through the same pain. Lol now i have formated my computer i'am going to have to use my brain and google to re-track down the supplier.
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Old 17-06-2013, 11:10 AM
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I can now supply Ebony Star laminate. I've been able to source the stuff from the Australian distributor, and I can offer it at cost price to fellow IISers. An 1/8th of a sheet (approx 750mm X 900mm) is $60 (as at the date of this post), but can vary due to the exchange rate. I can cut smaller amounts, drop me a PM. The price can't change much as there's not a lot I can do with the off-cuts.

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Old 27-08-2013, 03:26 PM
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Melbourne suppliers

My experiences with following businesses in Melbourne have been great

Aluminium and plastic machining (pier top plate, eyepiece adapter)
- Steve Steel at Computool
Metal fabrication (pier)
- Ungar Metals
Polystyrene sheets
- Australian Lightweight Products
Aluminium cheaper than hardware stores
- Aluminium Trade Centre

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Old 29-01-2014, 07:25 PM
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Adhesive backed teflon sheet under the trade name of SlideGlide, 60mm x 200mm, for less than $10 from Bunnings. This is in the section for furniture glides where the same stuff but with a foam backing has been available for some time. They are also now carrying anodised square aluminium tube in the steel section.
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Old 29-01-2014, 07:29 PM
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I do a lot of TIG welding and machining.....I make unusual race car parts, as a bit of a pastime.......old story for the camp fire one night.......

One of the best resources I have ever come across is the humble scrap yard....it never ceases to amaze me the odds and ends you can find.....I recon there would be lots and lots of good gear you can use at the local scrappy !
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Old 05-11-2014, 11:56 AM
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Good quality machining locally

Just a quick heads up . Not sure if it's the right spot for it but here it goes anyway.

If anybody's interested in machining services in Sydney then this is a good place to do it. I know a lot of you guys are using precise parts or other online services but if you're close enough to Wetherill Park then this is definitely for you.

I haven't asked but I'm pretty sure they'd ship Australia wide as well.
Details as follow:

WETHERILL PARK NSW 2164 PHONE (02) 9604 2349 FAX (02) 9604 1603
Email: edobbin@bigpond.net.au Website: www.dobbinengineering.com

Ask for Luke. He's done all the work on my C11 mods and a plethora of other bits and pieces for me over the years recently TAK adapters to fit my camera on the old Q I've just bought. Very well priced but that's not the point. They do really good quality work. No shortcuts. I'm sure this would be helpful to a lot of members here.
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Old 06-11-2014, 04:34 AM
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Great recommendation Marc. I'm happy to track across all of town for the right stuff.


Last edited by sheeny; 06-11-2014 at 03:43 PM. Reason: remove relocation suggestion - no longer relevant
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Old 19-06-2015, 04:14 PM
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Great Thread

This was the kind of thread i was looking for!
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