Seems that I've joined the Tak owners fraternity - with this mint condition TOA 130 riding on my previously pimped NJP.
Back story: I won a QSI competition, the prize was this fab new QSI 6162 camera.

However, it being almost a full frame sensor (APS-H) my Newt would have needed major upgrades to accomodate it (new focuser, big Paracoor etc) and I had to buy a full set of 2" filters for the camera.
So after much thought I figured, might as well sell my faithful QSI 683 & the Newt to fund a nice big Tak & a decent set of filters. No point putting el-cheapo filters behind Rolls Royce quality- Tak glass!
Fortunately a fellow IIS'er was trading up and offered me this beautiful 2nd hand Tak. It was formerly housed in observatories by both the original and 2nd owners and it came with a big Feather touch focuser, motor controller, flattener & reducer too!
Just needed someone to manufacturer adapters to marry it to the big QSI 6162. Fortunately the original owner came to rescue, and with QSI's newly commissioned factory drawings he manufactured a fine set of variable spaced adapters, thanks Jim!
I sourced the Chroma filters from
TolgaAstro in the states. Chroma made Astrodon filters until 2011 and now sell LRGB & tight (3 & 5nm) NB filters under their own label. They're still not cheap but given the exchange rate, they represent far better value/price than the Don's, and Tolga personally guaranteed I'll be very happy with the Chromas.
Naturally, as soon as everything was assembled the clouds rolled in over Victoria (sorry about that folks!) so hoping for first light soon!
Big shoutout & thanks to James P, Jim F, Lewis M, Peter W, Marc A, Mike S, Diego C, Paul M & everyone else I pestered for advice, much appreciated!
A co-incidental side note: When I went to my first ever ASV star party eight years ago, I was lucky enough to view M42 through a nice big Tak. I even saw some colour and was hooked! Promised myself then 7 there that one day, I'd own one. Well I've come full circle as I bought this scope off the owners of that same lovely Tak all those years ago! Small world huh?