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Old 29-10-2024, 03:08 PM
ahmed_haider (Ahmed)

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Donated to ice inspace paypal account. Happy to play my part to keep this community alive!
As a first step perhaps the admin can make a post in all of the classifieds sub-pages asking sellers and buyers to donate an amount for the services we get for free.
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Old 29-10-2024, 09:48 PM
Matthieu (Matt)
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Donated via BSB. I read the classifieds everyday so it's almost like a community service provided by ISS.

As for long term options, personally, I'm not a fan of subscriptions. As a hobby, it's already not the easiest to attract people so the less barrier to entry there are, the better. That said, I can see the merit of a once a year contribution to be allowed to post classified listings. I'd avoid asking buyers to contribute as a successful classified page needs as many buyers as possible.

Regarding comments around refreshing ISS as a community, something that might reduce ISS attractiveness is that it's cumbersome on mobile phones whereas Facebook is best on them. I think this clunkiness makes it less attractive for new entrants in the hobby. I'm wondering it a different forum package might come with a builtin mobile experience.

Last edited by Matthieu; 30-10-2024 at 06:14 AM.
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Old 29-10-2024, 10:51 PM
Leo.G (Leo)
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IIS is the one Astronomy forum in Australia where you can get help with models and equipment common to the country, along with amazing members who can and do do anything to help.others. Joshua Bunn with his design/machining services at incredibly reasonable prices, Stefan Buda with his amazing abilities and a wealth of information from people in the know. It's all relevant to Australian conditions, sky features and a LOT of experienced high end members who don't mind helping out with information.
It would be the biggest travesty were it to disappear and while I like CN and SG lounge everything is Northern hemisphere models, availability and pricing. Still a wealth of knowledge but local knowledge is the best.

Then you add in the world class astrophotographers and not only their wealth of knowledge, their insanely incredible images, we need all of that. Members offering 3D printing services, members making amazing projects with a Pi/Arduino to automate many tasks, so many members and such a lousy memory to mame them all but they know who they are.

The classified section which has allowed me as a broke disability pensioner to acquire some very nice deals and even receive some goodies for the cost of the postage, items I wouldn't normally be able to afford otherwise on a disability pension and incredibly kind, caring, generous members who have gone right out of their way to help not just me but many members here. I've been given older dedicated cameras I could never afford to buy, free and the only way I can give back is to try and search for answers for people with problems, I have a lot of time on my hands and a reasonable amount of knowledge on many subjects despite declaring myself an idiot frequently.
IIS has to survive and I think the influx of offers and donations has proven many people feel exactly the same way.
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Old 30-10-2024, 06:02 AM
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Ican understand Mike maybe a facebook page is all we need when time goes on its hard to keep up i just stepped down myself as president of the newcastle astronomical society because after 10 yrs in the job i was tired ,i love icein space would gladly donate to it even gumtree now charge to advertise there I still love all things astro and have made some lifetime friends on this site thanks everyone see what happens ALAN
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Old 30-10-2024, 11:18 AM
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Na Alan, "maybe a Facebook page is all we need" I and I expect many older members would be gone.

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Old 30-10-2024, 12:01 PM
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The last thing we need is a FarceBook-like site.

A forum like this, with separate threads, discussion areas, and, MOST IMPORTANTLY a searchable archive so people can find information they are looking for is what I want. (And probably most of the people here feel the same, too.)

Yes, I am parroting what Leo G just said.

The last thing I want is a continuously scrolling thread of (un)consciousness where it's impossible to follow a conversation.

Rant over.

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Old 30-10-2024, 12:51 PM
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Originally Posted by kalon View Post
Would you consider Discord? It has pretty much all you want except it is chat rather than forum-based, and is a couple of hundred dollars annually. You would miss out on ad revenue but that doesn’t exist by your own report. Or partner with an existing server, like mine (Lonosham Observatory) or Bintel’s, but then you’re risking diluting your brand…
Probably a generational thing, but I dont really 'get' discord as a replacement for a forum - I do enjoy some of the informal live events/group chats we do on the ASV planetary Facebook group, so I guess discord could function in a similar way?

In terms of IIS, I guess the bottom line is that Mike is not obliged to keep IIS going if he lacks the motivation to do so. I am more than happy to donate to keep it going for another year at least

I was thinking though that I really only use the classifieds and look at the DIY forums - You are lucky to get more than one or two replies to gear related questions here, but that is to be expected as there is just not enough of an audience to be able to compete with the likes of CN when it comes to questions about gear in particular.

Excluding local stuff like classifieds, I guess you have to consider what the value is of an Australian focused Astronomy site

Not saying it shouldnt exist, but I guess look at the things that would make people want to post/visit here? Obviously there is that fact that we are in the Southern Hemisphere and have different targets and priorities. It could probably be more of a hub for all the astro societies for events, but I dont know if that is something that could be achieved.

I dont really like the idea of a site being beholden to ads and vendors, because that leads to censorship of posts that are critical of products/vendors, so I would support a yearly donation, just like astrobin.
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Old 30-10-2024, 05:06 PM
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Just learned of this and donated $20 to the IIS PayPal
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Old 30-10-2024, 09:55 PM
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Originally Posted by iceman View Post
Subscriptions can be a barrier to entry for newcomers who might want to come to the site and enjoy the discussions, learn stuff, ask advice etc.

It's probably not as much of a problem for people who have already experienced the value. But for someone just starting out, they haven't seen the value yet, and would likely go elsewhere.

I'd prefer not to go down that route - there'd have to be elements that remain free for all / free forever.

Apologies, yes that's broken.
But you can still paypal to paypal@iceinspace.com.au, or the BSB/Acc# are still valid.

I haven't got time at the moment to reply more, but I'm reading the discussions and appreciate your thoughts.
Hi Mike
It would be a great loss to not have IIS, not very active ATM myself, but IIS, the Astrocamps & everyone who started this up and kept it going all this time is the genesis of the business I now have.
Anything I can do to help I will.
We NEED a national Astronomy community.
With no national Magazine it’s even more vital.
How about a one off donation drive (Wikipedia style) to keep things running
Then work on a sustainable solution going forward.
Would be pleased to hear from you
Ian - Nightskysecrets
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Old 30-10-2024, 11:46 PM
AnakChan (Sean)
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Originally Posted by Matthieu View Post
Donated via BSB.
Didn't notice the BSB option! Donated!
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Old 31-10-2024, 07:28 AM
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There is one aspect to this discussion that seems to be missing and which plays into the strategic direction that IIS is, or should be, heading. Firstly let me say that it would be tragic to see IIS fold. I read the latest posts every day and have used the classifieds on many occasions. We should do whatever we can to keep this going but let’s have a look at what this means.

What strikes me is the currency of the site generally and exactly what format and structure IIS should adopt in the future. Whilst the forums and the classifieds are very active, the rest of the site is not.

If a new or prospective user/member enters the IIS web site via the home page, they will see articles and resources and other items which are at least 10 years old at best and very much out of date. This first impression would deter many from going forward as they would not realise how active and valuable the forums are. It is quite apparent that when IIS first started the resources, articles and equipment reviews were contributed by members on a regular basis but this is no longer the case. The equivalent sections on Cloudy Nights are quite active (acknowledging the fact that they have a much larger market).

So from a strategic direction viewpoint, IIS needs to consider exactly what format it is going to adopt. My thoughts are that we may need to just do away with the non forum based content and re image IIS as a specific forum based entity which, along with the classified ads, is where we all go to on a regular basis.

Mike has done a fantastic job in starting IIS and we owe him many many thanks for creating this fantastic resource. I fully support his current position and that we need to look at different options going forward.

In terms of options and to throw my hat into the ring here, I agree with one observation that the Discord platform is not suitable as a replacement for IIS. It lacks the specific structured threads that are very useful for tracking particular issues. I haven’t researched other options and don’t have the skills to recommend a particular technology. If it would be possible then maybe the current site could be reconfigured into a specific forum structure only, whilst retaining all existing forum based content.

I note one observation regarding content on mobile devices. This is an important issue that may be critical for newer members but does also come with an increased level of complexity.

So in summary and apologies for long post, not only do we need to look at funding the site, we must look at the objectives of IIS and the most appropriate format and structure to suit the needs of our members.

Clear skies,
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Old 01-11-2024, 10:58 PM
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late to this but I hope this place continues , whatever we can do to help we will.
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Old 02-11-2024, 01:18 PM
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Rodney speaks well.
I've never been an admin or a mod for any online site, but I've known one or two people who performed those roles, and am aware of the commitment of time and effort that it takes behind the scenes to keep a forum like IIS running, let alone to set it up in the first place. The folks who started, and who keep this forum going, have my utmost respect, and sincere thanks.
I'm not on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter / "X", Instagram, or any of the social media sites because for the most part I don't trust them. To migrate the site to one of those platform would see me leave, I suspect along with a number of other members. IIS is my only almost-daily online resource.
IIS is a magnificent community, and has a far better feeling and camaraderie than many other online forums. You can read it in the posts, and it's why I came here. I've learned a lot (and still have a long way to go) and would like to support the site continuing.
This is a great place - let's keep it going.
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Old 03-11-2024, 05:01 AM
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Yes Warren I am with you, this place has been so helpful to me and I visit daily often may times a day.

Social Media, I don't use it at all and as you, this is my only online gathering, so to speak.

If it goes to Facebook or other I too would move on with thanks to IIS for many fantastic years.

But then I am from the old school, as many other members.

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Old 03-11-2024, 08:51 AM
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Originally Posted by leon View Post
…….Social Media, I don't use it at all and as you, this is my only online gathering, so to speak.

If it goes to Facebook or other I too would move on with thanks to IIS for many fantastic years.………But then I am from the old school, as many other members.…..Leon
Leon I am the same! I see social media as a pox on society run with little social governance balance mostly at the whim of whoever owns it and is at the helm! Just look at “X” or what ever it’s called nowdays. Full of :disaffected; conspiracists, far right, far left, and foreign national influence (who are not there for fun) as d snake oil sales. Some media is nothing but 15 second attention grabbers that frankly makes me run….if I could.

I abhor such things and same as Leon love the atmosphere here while allows views right or wrong but mainly built on those helping each other. No better ethos base could be found; made or moulded.

So yeah I cannot shift to social media and enjoy the current format too much. Just like whirlpool form …some small tinkering but changing what is not broken will see it’s Denise

I understand this has exacted a great toll on iceman and it’s drained him of his essence he’s given all and reward has been little …advertisers and funding desertion must leave him feeling “what must I do”…but this is just part of the issue you can only squeeze an orange once for its goodness. So I hope iceman and those that be can find a way

I am happy to donate or pay per year this forum has been good to me and I do not want to see it go ….but can do little to help except offer dollars and “giddy-on-up” words


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Old 06-11-2024, 10:19 AM
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Just donated. Thanks Mike for your efforts, it’s a big ask and we’re all indebted to you.
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Old 07-11-2024, 09:45 AM
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Donated today ....Thank you Mike

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Old 07-11-2024, 07:49 PM
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I'm late to this thread. Donation made to help funding the new ideas for continuation of this valuable site.

Many thanks Mike, for your vision and continued efforts over a long period.
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Old 13-11-2024, 02:29 AM
Renato1 (Renato)
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Just saw this thread and made a donation.

My idea - keep the site free, but have optional membership, where the membership allows one to access the Ice in Space classifieds for buying and selling.
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Old 16-11-2024, 08:04 AM
Londoner (Mick)
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Donated today ....Thank you Mike.

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