I believe Celestron missed the boat , so to speak on this set up as I used it last night and its a match made in heaven .
These 2 products comlpiment each other so well , 500x on Jupiter and the image hardly moved as I focused using the FT focuser and the detail seen was impressive ! , watched the GRS move into view and needless to say today at work was tough .
I like this mount and I dont need a Losmandy G11 at over 3x the price and all I will say is , if anyone out there like me who aint rich and gets a chance to grab one of these ,,, I SAY

grab IT !! .

I know this will ruffle a few feathers out there in 'mount land' , but I dont care .
The CI-700 is a great mount and it's a shame they aint made anymore . A great loss to us amature astronomers everywhere .